
create face.1

The create face.1 technique does vary
between the Boot Camp participants, with
some examples used more than others.
x A white background will look like a transparent background, after the install.

Adding a face:

cpu% jpg -c myface.jpg  | iconv -c m8 | resample -x 48 -y 48 > myface.1
cpu% png -c myface.png  | iconv -c m8 | resample -x 48 -y 48 > myface.1
cpu% jpg -c myface.jpg  | resample -x 100 | crop -b 255 255 255 -i -30 | mug > myface.1
An optional example:jpg -c myface.jpg | iconv -c k4 | resample -x 48 -y 48 > myface.1
xAdding your face
xReview mug 1) cpu% jpg -c myface.jpg | mug > myface.1
x gif -c
x png -c
-c Convert the image to a Plan 9 representation, as defined by image(6), and write it to standard output.
x crop crop, iconv - frame, crop, and convert image
crop There are two ways to specify a crop, by color value or by geometry.
x resize resample, resize - resample a picture
x rotate rotate - rotate or mirror a picture
x paint paint - create image files by drawing with a mouse or other pointing device
x tweak tweak - edit image files, subfont files, face files, etc.
tweak Report the coordinate and value of individual pixels indicated by pressing button 3.

quality control

Check the results with tweak:

cpu% tweak myface.1

Check the classification with file:

cpu% file myface.1
Example 48×48 output
cpu% file /usr/$user/lib/face/$user.1
$user.1: Compressed plan 9 image or subfont, depth 8, size 48×48

Check the results with page:

cpu% page myface.1

9p face install

1.If myface.1 looks good, install it as $home/lib/face/$user.1
a.copy $user.1 to the $home/lib/face directory.
cpu% mkdir $home/lib/face
2.Run faceoff. The faceoff updates are queued.
cpu% faceoff
Example .dict format$user $user.1$user $user.1

face location

This is a people face, example only:

cpu% jpg -c USER.jpg  | resample -x 100 | crop -b 255 255 255 -i -30 | mug > /lib/face/people/USER.1

This is a domains face, example only:

cpu% jpg -c sdf.jpg  | resample -x 100 | crop -b 255 255 255 -i -30 | mug > /lib/face/domains/

examples (in another format):

cpu% cd /lib/face/48x48x1
cpu% page .dict

faces -i

x FACES -I: faces [ -ihc ] [ -m maildir ]
cpu% faces -i

9p mail

Enter upasname=$ if it's not already in the $home/lib/profile, below the bind lines. Try 'sed 5q $home/lib/profile' to view the first 5 lines of $home/lib/profile. (Although unrelated, a Plan 9 VPS upas snippet is available for reference.)

Entering upasname=$ (at the prompt) is optional if a $user chooses to edit the $home/lib/profile.

x upas/fs upasfs - mail file server
upas/fs [:!:] 2) A user normally starts fs in his/her profile after starting plumber(4) and before starting a window system, such as rio(1) or acme(1).
cpu% upasname=$
xAdd upasname=$ to the $home/lib/profile
xA default lib/profile example at the Boot Camp 9p resource page, with snippets/changes.
1. A checklist, or a possible task (a,b,c,d) order.
a.Is upasname=$ in the $home/lib/profile ?
b.[:!:] 3) Is upas/fs in the case cpu area of the profile, after plumber ?
c.Was there a Drawterm restart after a & b?
d.mail -c
i.If mail -c is not working: Such users have to ask nicely for someone to create the mailbox directory on the file system console.
ii.Option 1: rename $home/lib/profile so that it is not recognized, then reconnect with Drawterm -G and run mail -c. (untested) [:!:] 4)
iii.Option 2: rename $home/lib/profile so that it is not recognized, then reconnect and run mail -c. (untested) [:!:] 5)
iv.term% notes: Create $user /mail/box files with 'mail -c'.


cpu% sam -d profile.edit
 -. profile.edit
/bind -q
bind -q
bind -qa $home/bin/rc /bin

bind -qa $home/bin/$cputype /bin

bind -qa $home/sys/lib /sys/lib

bind -qa /usr/sdf/bin /bin
profile.edit: #972


Check for upas/fs, or add it after plumber if it's not already there 6)

cpu% grep upas/\fs $home/lib/profile
cpu% grep -n upas/\fs $home/lib/profile
:42: 	upas/fs



Create the /mail/box/$user with 'mail -c'. This is only necessary once; it creates the $user mbox.

cpu% mail -c

Note: manually editing the /mail/box/$user files may interfere with qer.

9p mail reference:

x qer qer, runq - queue management for spooled files
qer Qer creates a control and a data file in a queue directory. The control file contents consist of the tag, reply, and args separated by spaces. The data file contains the standard input to qer.

Start acme to access the mbox.

  % acme
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol⇐ Add Mail by typing Mail.
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail⇐ Mouse button 2 press Mail.
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail
/mail/fs/mbox Del Snarf : Look Put Mail Delmesg Undelmesg Next
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail
/mail/fs/mbox Del Snarf : Look Put Mail Delmesg Undelmesg Next⇐ Mouse button 2 press Mail to compose a new mail.
1/⇐ Email messages arrive here.
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail
/mail/fs/mbox Del Snarf : Look Put Mail Delmesg Undelmesg Next
2/⇐ Email messages arrive here.
/mail/fs/mbox/Compose.1 Del Snarf : Look Post :fmt⇐ Mouse button 2 press Post to send the mail; fmt 7) to format the mail.
some text here⇐ Type the email text here.
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail
/mail/fs/mbox Del Snarf : Look Put Mail Delmesg Undelmesg Next
5/⇐ Mouse button 3 press #5 (5/) to open the message.

mailing lists

xSDF hosts the plan9-l mailing list for participants in the Plan 9 Boot Camp. Email 'majordomo' and 'subscribe plan9-l' to join.

A man page example:

$ man majordomo
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail
/mail/fs/mbox Del Snarf : Look Put Mail Delmesg Undelmesg Next
1/⇐ Email messages arrive here.
/mail/fs/mbox/Compose.1 Del Snarf : Look Post :fmt⇐ Mouse button 2 press Post to send the mail; fmt 8) to format the mail.
subscribe plan9-l⇐ Type the email text here.


x MAIL: nedmail - reading mail
Test E-mail key sequence while at the 9p prompt
mail -s 'Test from 9p' $
Will this work?
1.The window frame will turn blue (hold), until the [Esc] toggles to the non-blue window frame.
a.The [Esc] character toggles hold mode.
cpu% mail -s 'Test from 9p' $
will this work?
xCaution, ctrl-d can operate as the [Delete] on a rio rc window.
cpu% mail
42 messages, 1 unread
: q
xThis nedmail section will use a DokuWiki unordered list for abaco, mothra, and netsurf browser review.
xOptional: try the section 9) items with a Drawterm rc prompt (without rio; teletype only), without ctrl-d.
  • 5 messages and quit [q]
    cpu% mail
    5 messages, 1 unread
    : q
  • 5 messages and wait at the mail prompt [:]
    cpu% mail
    5 messages, 1 unread
  • Save the message (without a message delete), then quit [,q]
    : ,h
    5: 1H
    1    text/plain         2130   (from,,[SDF] Whats new with Lemmy?)
    5: 1w /tmp/message_1_write_example
    !saved in /tmp/message_1_write_example
    5: ,q
  • Save the message, then mark the message for delete [d], and quit [,q]
    cpu% mail
    : ,h
    5: 1H
    1    text/plain         2130   (from,,[SDF] Whats new with Lemmy?)
    1: 1w /tmp/message_1_write_example
    1: d
    1: ,q
    !1 message deleted
  • The delete [d] !d requires an address message
    : d
    !d requires an address
    : 1d
    1: ,q
    !1 message deleted

create popmail:

xThis is a DRAFT

Incomplete notes, regarding popmail on 9p, are located here: Notes from TEA NOTE #N Sunday August 22, 2021.

The use of mug may call for the command broke ; man broke.
2) , 3) , 4) , 5)
The [:!:] is interchangeable with a [CAUTION], for the abaco, and mothra browsers. :!:
plumber is located in the case cpu section of the profile, in this example.
7) , 8)
fmt, htmlfmt - simple text formatters; man fmt.
A section can become part of a new mini-project in the Self Guided Discoveries.
plan9front_-_mailing_and_faces.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 00:56 by hc9