riot and picker
The menu usage is mentioned to complement
the technique used in the forthcoming toobnix video
or Tea Note. |
From riot or rio:
New | ⇐ release the button here |
Resize | |
Move | |
Delete | |
Hide | |
1 | At the rio grey screen, press the right button of your mouse. A menu (above) should appear. Then, release the button over the “New” option. |
2 | Now, press the right button again near the upper-left corner of Drawterm, and drag the mouse to the lower-right before releasing the button, drawing a rectangle. |
Location and usage |
A location and usage is mentioned. Some
of these topics are discussed in the video. |
Experimental on |
x | /amd64/bin/rio | includes 'riot' 1) [:!:] 2) |
x | /bin/riot |
x | rio | usage: | rio [ -f font ] [ -i initcmd ] [ -k kbdcmd ] [ -s ] |
x | riot | usage: | riot [ -b ] [ -f font ] [ -i cmd ] [ -k kbdcmd ] [ -s ] |
contrib on |
x | /usr/sdf/bin/ | user contributed |
x | | usage: | rio [ -f font ] [ -i initcmd ] [ -k kbdcmd ] [ -s ] |
tutorial notes
Future Tea Note events about this topic may
benefit from note taking. This section is intended
to assist with that process. |
Rio usage:
x | Practice with mouse button 3 menu 'New' |
New | ⇐ release the button here |
Resize | |
Move | |
Delete | |
Hide | |
% rio
x | Practice with mouse button 3 'Delete' |
New | |
Resize | |
Move | |
Delete | ⇐ release the button here |
Hide | |
Riot and picker usage:
x | Practice with mouse button 3 menu 'New' |
New | ⇐ release the button here |
Resize | |
Move | |
Delete | |
Hide | |
% riot
% picker < /dev/theme > /dev/theme
Paste the picker snarf buffer into an acme or sam editor file.
Sam will require an additional mouse button 2 menu
'<rio>' snarf buffer toggle. |
Mouse button 3 select 'snarf all' from the picker window. |
snarf all | ⇐ release the button here |
Three topng
screen, or window, capture methods are mentioned: Command reminder.
Advanced riot usage: |
The 'riot' command replaces the 'rio'
command in the $home/lib/profile file. |
SDF Plan9 Boot Camp Fall 2021 TEA NOTE #3 | |
00:00:00 - Introduction and News |
00:03:30 - The Challenges and ‘com ’ |
00:10:00 - Review on accessing and managing your VM |
00:16:00 - Accessing /usr/sdf on 9p from your VM |
00:18:00 - Challenge 3 and 4 |
00:19:00 - Modifying rio (‘riot ’) to support themes and backgrounds |
00:26:00 - using ‘picker ’ |
00:40:30 - Your personal website on | notes
These are notes from the video. The 1st method
requires the use of the delete key to escape. |
riot and picker – toobnix
$home/lib/profile |
# riot -i $home/bin/rc/riostart |
% picker < /dev/theme > /dev/theme
Mouse button 3 select 'snarf all' from the picker window. |
snarf all | ⇐ release the button here |
1st method:
% cat >
% cat > |
# paste the 'snarf all' selected text here:
[append with a new line]
[press the delete key to escape] |
2nd method:
% cat /dev/theme >
x | When starting 'riot', redirect a “rio.theme” to 'riot'. |
$home/lib/profile |
riot -i $home/bin/rc/riostart |
$home/bin/rc/riostart |
[Replace glenda with your username.] |
- $home/bin/rc/riostart
window 'cat /usr/glenda/lib/theme/rio.theme > /mnt/wsys/theme;
sleep 0.5;
grep softscreen /dev/vgactl >> /dev/vgactl;
echo hwblank off >> /dev/vgactl'
$home/lib/theme/rio.theme |
An example of the command and file. |
% pwd
% cat /dev/theme >rio.theme
- riot rio.theme example:
rioback 777777
back 282828
high cccccc
border 999999
text babe94
htext 000000
title 55aaaa
ltitle 9eeeee
hold 000099
lhold 005dbb
palehold 4993dd
paletext d5d5d5
size ff0000
menubar 448844
menuback eaffea
menuhigh 448844
menubord 88cc88
menutext 000000
menuhtext eaffea
- riot rc/riostart example (change username):
window 0,0,161,117 stats -lmisce
window -scroll -miny 130
window 'cat /usr/username/lib/theme/rio.theme > /mnt/wsys/theme;
sleep 0.5;
grep softscreen /dev/vgactl >> /dev/vgactl;
echo hwblank off >> /dev/vgactl'
Experimental on |
x | /amd64/bin/rio | includes 'riot' 3) [:!:] 4) |
x | /bin/riot |
contrib on |
x | /usr/sdf/bin/ | user contributed |
x | riow | usage: | riow [ -s label ] |
x | Two independent ‘riow ’ methods. |
By hand:
With riostart:
x | Notes for preparing a background image: | [blank] |
x | jpg -9 | |
| -9 Like -c, but produce an uncompressed image. This saves processing time, particularly when the output is being piped to another program such as page(1), since it avoids compression and decompression. | “ |
x | jpg -t | |
| -t Convert the image, if it is in color, to a true color RGB image. | “ |
| Note: -c Convert the image to a Plan 9 representation, as defined by image(6), and write it to standard output. | “ |
Example: |
jpg -9t <coolwallpaper1920x1080.jpg >/usr/$user/lib/1920×1080.img |
cpu% jpg -9t <coolwallpaper1920x1080.jpg >/usr/$user/lib/1920x1080.img
Example 1920×1080 output |
| file /usr/$user/lib/1920×1080.img |
x | plan 9 image, depth 24, size 1920×1080 |
Tea Note – ongoing
Future Tea Note discussion about this topic may
benefit from note taking. This section is intended
as a reminder. Comment on the SDF plan9-l list. |
Possible Tea Note questions sent to SDF plan9-l, or com |
1. | Are 'riot' and 'riow' included in the 'rio' 7)? |