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The Sun 3/160 runs a System V UNIX variant known as SunOS 4.1.1. Guest access is available.

An example session:

 SunOS UNIX (three)
 login: lcm
 Last login: Thu May 12 03:10:50 from tty.livingcomput
 SunOS Release 4.1.1 (UX400S) #1: Sun Sep 4 11:51:28 PDT 2011
 You have mail.
 $ who
 lcm      console Apr 25 03:53
 lcm      ttyp0   Apr 25 03:54
 lcm      ttyp1   Apr 25 03:54
 lcm      ttyp2   Apr 25 03:54
 lcm      ttyp3   May 12 04:42   (tty.livingcomput)
 $ uptime
   4:42am  up 21 days, 21:17,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.03, 0.00
 $ date
 Thu May 12 04:42:40 PDT 1994
 $ ls
 core           fib.c          hi             mfact.c        vm_fonts.n0.Z
 dead.letter    fib2.c         hi.c           mfact.s
 fact           hello          jim  
 fact.c         hello.c        mbox           something.c
 fib            hello.s        mfact          tmp
 $ cat hello.c
 #include <stdio.h>
 main () {
         int i, j;
         j = 0;
         for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                 j += (5 * i + 2 * i);
                 j >>= 1;
                 printf ("i=%d j=%d\n", i, j);
 $ cc -o hello hello.c
 $ ./hello
 i=0 j=0
 i=1 j=3
 i=2 j=8
 i=3 j=14
 i=4 j=21
 i=5 j=28
 i=6 j=35
 i=7 j=42
 i=8 j=49
 i=9 j=56
 $ games
 games: not found
 $ ls /usr/games
 adventure     boggletool    factor        mille         snake
 arithmetic    btlgammon     fish          monop         snscore
 backgammon    canfield      fortune       moo           teachgammon
 banner        canfieldtool  gammonscore   number        trek
 battlestar    cfscores      gammontool    ppt           worm
 bcd           chess         hack          primes        worms
 bj            chesstool     hangman       quiz          wump
 bogdict       ching         hunt          rain
 boggle        craps         lib           random
 boggledict    cribbage      life          robots

kw reference 1)
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vintage_systems/sun_3_160.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/11 01:16 by hc9