- dotfile
LOGFILE=$HOME/procmail.log MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail SCRATCHDIR=$HOME/Scratch/Mail WHITELIST=$MAILDIR/.whitelist yargoext=yargo+ext@SDFDOMAIN yargoout=myname@EXAMPLE.COM # # first some cheap immediate filtering of high volume spam :0 H * ^To:.*myself@TAINTEDDOMAIN.COM $SCRATCHDIR/SPAM # direct external, first add some headers :0 fH: extern * yargo\+(ext|OTHERKEYWORD)@ | formail -c -I 'Envelope-From: yargo@SDFDOMAIN' -I "Envelope-To: $yargoout" # then send it :0 A ! $yargoout # loop killer: adds a string, unless it is already present and nees quarantine :0 H * ^X-Loop:.*RANDOMSTRING $SCRATCHDIR/Loops :0 f |formail -A "X-Loop: RANDOMSTRING" :0 cH * SOMEHEADERCOMPONENT $SCRATCHDIR/attachments :0 H * ^From:.*(ONE|TWO).com !myotherself@EXAMPLE.COM # send big joke mails from a productive friend somewhere else :0 H * ^From:.*my\.funny\.friend@.*DOMAINCOMPONENT * >15000 ! mythirdself@EXAMPLE.COM # a big newsletter :0 H * ^Subject:.*news.*letter * >50000 ! mythirdself@EXAMPLE.COM # force fetchmail via incoming e-mail :0 H: * ^Subject:.*TRIGGERWORD | ( cat >/dev/null ; echo 'Subject: fetchmail forced' ; echo ; fetchmail -t 100 2>&1 ) | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS $yargoext # script processing, send a copy to external address for monitoring :0 cH * ^TOyargo\+keyword@ | $HOME/binaries/script.sh :0 A ! $yargoext # for saving some mail directly, as archiving method :0 H: * yargo\+otherkeyword $SCRATCHDIR/attachments # play by e-mail :0 cH * ^From:.*gamerz.net ! $yargoext :0 A $MAILDIR/gamerz.net # myotherdomain.ch has its separate procmailrc :0 H * @myotherdomain.ch { INCLUDERC=$HOME/.procmailrc-other } # a newsletter that I currently ignore but dont want to unsubscribe # mailhtmldump.sh converts HTML e-mails into plaintext for reading on mobile :0 H * yargo\+KEYWORD #|$HOME/binaries/mailhtmldump.sh Spiegel-Online $yargoext /dev/null # forwarding from .fetchmailrc :0 cEH * yargo\+FETCHMAIL@ $MAILDIR/FETCHMAIL # whitelisting spamfilter FROM=`formail -c -x 'From:'|sed -e 's/.*<\(.*@[^>]*\)>.*/\1/;s/^ *//;s/ *$//'` :0 hb: * ! ? grep -i -F -e "$FROM" $WHITELIST >/dev/null $SCRATCHDIR/SPAM
tutorials_dotfiles_.procmailrc_yargo.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/24 00:41 by hc9