- dotfile
: $h/.oshrc - " Modify to taste. " : : " The author of this file, J.A. Neitzel <jan (at) v6shell (dot) org>, " : " hereby grants it to the public domain. " : : " See also: http://v6shell.org/rc_files/ " : : echo "debug: Executing `"$h/.oshrc"' now..." printenv TERM >/dev/null if $s = 0 goto TERM_OK setenv TERM vt100 : fallthrough : TERM_OK printenv TTY | grep \^$t\$ >/dev/null if $s = 0 goto continue setenv TTY $t printenv TERM | grep '^rxvt$' >/dev/null if $s = 0 goto C : : " The terminal I normally use is rxvt-unicode, but I also " : " use Terminal.app on rare occasions. Both terminals are " : " UTF-8 capable. I normally set TERM to xterm-color. " : setenv LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 setenv LESSCHARSET utf-8 printf "%b" '\033]701;en_US.UTF-8\007' >/dev/tty goto Next : C - " Default to the C locale for rxvt. " setenv LC_ALL C : fallthrough : Next - " Set the window title for terminal emulators under X. " xtitle : fallthrough : " Set terminal options. " stty altwerase imaxbel -oxtabs <- stty status '^T' <- : fallthrough : continue - " Okay, continue as normal. " : : " Other initialization routines that the user wishes to execute " : " for each interactive shell can be placed here. " :
tutorials_dotfiles_.oshrc_jneitzel.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/24 00:37 by hc9