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ITS - Incompatible Timesharing System

ITS is a timesharing system created at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 1967 for their PDP-6 computer. It was soon moved to the newer PDP-10; for most of its life ITS ran on for of those machines.

The SDF ITS is at

Some basic tutorials:

More information can be found by running INFO, and on GitHub.

Suggested topics to explore:

  • Zork and Advent, classic text adventure games
  • Maclisp, a major Lisp dialect
  • Macsyma, symbolic math
  • Logo, programming for kids
  • C, pre-K&R version
  • Muddle, the Dynamic Modeling programming language
  • Maze, the 3D first person shooter (needs an Imlac emulator)
its.1611575921.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/25 11:58 by larsb