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Accessing your VHOST Folders

Accessing Web Root

If your site is a VHOST, then you can access your site's files by:

  1. ssh to your VHOST 'server' with ssh {LOGNAME}@{VHOSTDOMAIN} with your normal LOGNAME and password. (this actually logs you into the 'norge' server with a few environment variables set)
  2. Change to your html folder by using the $VHOST environment variable, e.g. cd $VHOST

ex ($ is the prompt in the example below, you should type equivalent commands at your shell prompt):

$ ssh
… (login stuff)
Welcome to the dedicated VHOST membership server

log files:     /var/log/nginx
html files:    /vhost/www 

The $VHOST environment variable will provide the full path to your site.
$ cd $VHOST

This folder will contain subfolders, each for your different VHOSTS. In those folders, place all the web files for your website, as you would in ~/html for your site on the cluster, ex:

$ls /vhost/www/nz/p/peteyboy

Accessing Log Files

your log files are /var/log/nginx/{VHOSTDOMAIN} and /var/log/nginx/{VHOSTDOMAIN}.err

Web Development on VHOST

Some tools you may want to use (for example the The nano editor) are in /vhost/pkg/bin. Please be sure to add that to your PATH when logging into your VHOST server.

One thing you can do is in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile (shared through all your cluster instances), add a line to add vhost/pkg/bin to your command line path if it is present. Add a line like this:

# Set PATH so it includes VHOST bin if it exists; that is, if you are logged in to VHOST
if [ -d "/vhost/pkg/bin" ] ; then

What about my VHOST folders in my user space?

The old way to access your vhost files was to look for a folder named after your domain under your cluster ~/html folder. You may still have these existing folders and files, but making changes to them directly will no longer sync them to the folders on norge, so you should not use them going forward.

accessing_your_vhost_folders.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/26 00:37 by peteyboy