% sam -d
” are available in the Plan 9 Image. They may be used for setting the DNS, or other tasks from the Plan 9 VPS console prompt (%), before Drawterm is accessible. An ed cheat-sheet is available. Additional editors are operational from a Drawterm Rio rc prompt: acme, sam, or % sam -d
.% sam -d | Editing will be done with the command language only, as in ed. |
To have a prompt that shows your pwd and user name, add the following lines to your lib/profile. Place them in the ‘case cpu’ section, replacing the cpu% prompt line.
prompt=('['^`{pwd}^'] '^$sysname^'% ' ' ') fn cd {builtin cd $* && prompt=('['^`{pwd}^'] '^$sysname^'% ' ' ')}
These lines update the prompt, and replace the ‘cd’ command so that the prompt is updated each time you change a directory.
Ed is a text editor, and similar to sam -d. Using the % sam -d
examples from Sam, it's possible to use % ed
. The mentioned examples are from a Drawterm Rio rc prompt.
% cd samtest % cp /lib/ndb/local local-1ed
% ed local-1ed 291 /ip= ip= sys=localhost dom=localhost s/ip=/#ip= #ip= sys=localhost dom=localhost $ #ip= sys=localhost dom=localhost a ip=YOUR_IP sys=plan9 dom=plan9 dns= . w 341 q %
% cp /rc/bin/termrc.local termrc.local-1ed % ed termrc.local-1ed
% ed termrc.local-1ed 424 $ cpu=CP a ip/ipconfig -g ether /net/ether0 YOUR_IP ndb/cs ndb/dns -r . w 510 q %
Command | Title | Quick Reference |
ED | ed Cheat Sheet | http://sdf.org/?tutorials/ed |
Control keys – Available at the SDF Boot Camp VPS server console prompt |
Editor reference:
Sam, Ed, Acme | https://wiki.sdf.org/doku.php?id=vps_-_9front#editors |
Plan 9 Rc Survival Guide | http://sdf.org/?tutorials/Plan_9_rc |
x | README (slightly outdated) If you think of it as UNIX, you'll often be frustrated because something doesn't exist or works differently. (external link) |
x | [:!:] 2) Opinion: “Plan 9” is not a product, and is not intended to be. It is research – an experimental investigation into a different way of computing.; 23/08/1988; Re: Plan 9? 3) (external link) |
x | [:!:] 4) “sam” is basically a superset of the “jim” mouse-oriented editor, with a more extensive command language and many improvements.; 14/03/1987; DMD (Teletype 5620) software 5). jim - text editor, Teletype DMD 5620 (external link) |