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drawterm, rio and stats


Command 9front Drawterm output
$ ./drawterm --helpusage: drawterm [-GBO] [-h host] [-u user] [-a authserver] [-s secstore] [-e 'crypt hash'] [-k keypattern] [-p] [-t timeout] [-r root] [-c cmd ...]

After typing your Drawterm password, the initial Rio display is a blank grey screen. The passing cpu: failed to chdir to message is not uncommon.

At the Rio blank grey screen, press the right button of your mouse. A menu should appear. Then, release the button over the “New” option.

There is a “Delete” option (above) in addition to the “New” option. This “Delete” option is useful. It will delete a window gracefully.

Now, press the right button again near the upper-left corner of Drawterm, and drag the mouse to the lower-right before releasing the button, drawing a rectangle.

You should now have a Rio terminal window, and rc prompt (%). The first thing you can do is to type “cat” (or read it from here if it's missing3).

Drawterm1 is essentially a BLIT terminal emulator which allows you to connect to your Plan 9 system and load the Rio windowing system. Rio is a direct successor of UNIX 'layers' and Plan 9 '8½'.

Although missing from the “$ ./drawterm --help” output, the “-r /path/to/local/directory” option will show the “/path/to/local/directory” files in “/mnt/term”. Example: “$ ./drawterm -a YOUR_IP -c YOUR_IP -u glenda -r /path/to/local/directory”.

Verify the Drawterm command line syntax with the “--help” option, if needed. A 9front2 Drawterm comparison is provided.

Plan 9 Drawterm command Plan 9 Drawterm output
$ ./drawterm --helpusage: drawterm [-a authserver] [-c cpuserver] [-s secstore] [-u user]
9front Drawterm command 9front Drawterm option -h and Plan 9 Drawterm option -c comparison
$ ./drawterm --helpusage: drawterm [-a authserver] [-h cpuserver] [-s secstore] [-u user]
9front Drawterm command 9front Drawterm output
$ ./drawterm --helpusage: drawterm [-GBO] [-h host] [-u user] [-a authserver] [-s secstore] [-e 'crypt hash'] [-k keypattern] [-p] [-t timeout] [-r root] [-c cmd ...]

1 Drawterm is a X11 application that allows one to connect to a remote Plan 9 server…; a graphical client for Plan 9 CPU servers. 2 DRAWTERM


RIOusage:rio [-b] [-f font] [-i initcmd] [-k kbdcmd] [-s]
xrio customization
xWhen you have found a window layout that you like, you might like that persisted between sessions, so that you don't have to place the windows again. We can start rio using multiple ways. When we drawterm in our 9front vps the $home/lib/profile script is executed. Since the service type (echo $service) is of type cpu we see that rio is started as rio -i riostart . Looking at the manual page we see that the -i option takes certain “window” commands that instruct rio in what positions to load the windows and which application to run in them, it also mentions the wloc command which prints the window layout for the current session. By putting the contents of wloc in the $home/bin/rc/riostart script then we can have a persistent layout on all rio sessions.


vps_-_plan9front_-_drawterm_rio_and_stats.1649485738.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/09 06:28 by hc9