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Creating SIMH tape images

Creating a tape image for TITO

When files are copied from TOPS-20 (36-bit byte size) with KERMIT, they are stored in ANSI ASCII mode.

Joe wrote type36 to display 36-bit files on *nix systems to determine if they are ANSI ASCII binaries or DEC compatible core-dump binaries.

Linux% type36
Usage: type36 [-s] [-a|-c|-d] filename [[-a|-c|-d] filename]
        -a = ANSI ASCII mode, -c = Core dump mode, -d = doubleword mode
        -s = input is in SIMH tape emulation format.

Linux% type36 -a ../m33/tito-ansi.sav | head -7
        36-bit dump of ../m33/tito-ansi.sav as ANSI ASCII (4x7-bit + 1x(1+7)-bit
address    even word      odd word    SIXBIT     7-bit bytes in hex  ASCII text
000000|777775,   117| 36564,   140|__] !/#UT !@ 7F7F6800A70757200030 ..h.'.W .0
000002|     0, 36564|260740, 34273|   #UT6'@#B[ 0000003D3A2C1E0038DD ...=:,..8]
000004|777777,   132| 36563, 36777|___ !:#US#W_ 7F7F78002D0757183DFF ..x.-.W.=.
000006|777652,   136|    16,     3|_^J !>  .  # 7F7A50002F0000700081 .zP./..p..
000010|200740, 24642| 47000,     0|0'@"FB$X     201E0029510960000000  ..)Q.`...

This shows that the file is in *.SAV format.

     IOWD 3,120: .JBSA=36564,,140  .JBFF=36564  .JBPFH=PUSHJ P,34273
     IOWD 1,133: .JBCOR=36563,,36777
     IOWD n,137: .JBVER=16,,3      .JBDA=MOVE P,24642  141=CALLI 0

When a core image is saved to tape, TOPS-10 writes a 4-word dummy file (to indicate there is no high-seg) and EOF before writing the SAV file,

Linux% ls -l 20bytes
-rw-r--r-- 1 jms jms   20 Mar 19 23:44 20bytes

Linux% od -c 20bytes
0000000  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0000020  \0  \0  \0  \0

Joe wrote to-simh to convert an ANSI ASCII file to core dump format and write the file out as a SIMH tape image (each block is proceeded and followed by the byte count in little-endian format).

Linux% to-simh
Usage: to-simh [-a|-c|-d|-b 128] filename [filename...]

Linux% to-simh -a 20bytes ../m33/tito-ansi.sav >tito.tape
Reading from 20bytes - Words read (octal):  4
Reading from ../m33/tito-ansi.sav - Words read (octal):  200  200 ... 141

This builds a SIMH tape image. Verify it using type36 -s -c.

Linux% type36 -s -c tito.tape | less
        36-bit dump of tito.tape as Core Dump  (4x8-bit + 1x(4+4)-bit
address    even word      odd word    SIXBIT     7-bit bytes in hex  ASCII text
--- block_size (0x14) = 20 bytes (  4 words) leading
000000|     0,     0|     0,     0|             00000000000000000000 ..........
000002|     0,     0|     0,     0|             00000000000000000000 ..........
--- block_size (0x14) = 20 bytes (  4 words) trailing
--- block_size (0x280) = 640 bytes (128 words) leading
000000|777775,   117| 36564,   140|__] !/#UT !@ 7F7F6800A70757200030 ..h.'.W .0
000002|     0, 36564|260740, 34273|   #UT6'@#B[ 0000003D3A2C1E0038DD ...=:,..8]
000004|777777,   132| 36563, 36777|___ !:#US#W_ 7F7F78002D0757183DFF ..x.-.W.=.
000006|777652,   136|    16,     3|_^J !>  .  # 7F7A50002F0000700081 .zP./..p..
000010|200740, 24642| 47000,     0|0'@"FB$X     201E0029510960000000  ..)Q.`...
000012|402000, 34267|260740, 35712|@0 #BW6'@#O* 40400038DB2C1E003B65 @@.8[,..;e

Search for known plaintext.

005660|222372, 42644|406511,751100|23Z$6D@U)])  244F50455241544F5220 $OPERATOR
005662|462230,342634|516124, 44646|F28<6<IQ4$FF 4C4943454E5345204953 LICENSE IS
005664|202351,752100|516132,427000|03I]1 IQ:BX  204E4F54205345542E00  NOT SET..
005666|777777,     2|    26,    11|___  "  6  ) 7F7F7800010001300084 ..x....0..
005670|222511,152236|201212,600000|25)-2>0**P   245449544F2028560000 $TITO (V..
005672|     0, 13646|576200,     0|   !>FOR     00000017535F48000000 ....S_H...
005674| 21754, 21755|272771,     0|"/L"/M77Y    043E6023F62E5F480000 .>`#v._H..
005676| 21754, 21757|     0, 13642|"/L"/O   !>B 043E6023F70000001751 .>`#w....Q
005700|245011, 42644|425010,152100|4H)$6DBH(-1  29204845524520415420 ) HERE AT
005702|576300,     0| 21761, 21762|OS    "/Q"/R 5F4C000000043F082379 _L....?.#y
005704|   731, 13532|440700, 13533| '9!=:D' !=; 001D48172D481C0017AD ..H.-H...-
005706|     0, 21710|222473,151650|   "/(24[-.H 00000023642453595354 ...#d$SYST
005710|426324, 57640|777761, 21773|BS4%^@__Q"/[ 454D205F507F7F0823FD EM _P...#}
005712| 21770, 21771|     0,    15|"/X"/Y     - 043F4023FC0000000086 .?@#|.....
005714|422132,644606|425644,     0|B1:TF&BND    4445564943453A200000 DEVICE: ..
005716|522032, 42500|472372,420256|J0:$5 G3ZB"N 54415045204E4F542057 TAPE NOT W
005720|512232,442500|502451,752212|I2:D5 H4I]2* 524954452050524F5445 RITE PROTE
005722|416510,542032| 50000,     0|AU(L0:%      435445440D0A00000000 CTED......
005724|522032, 42500|446464, 53644|J0:$5 DTT%>D 54415045204953205752 TAPE IS WR
005726|446510,520240|512372,442606|DU(J"@I3ZD6& 4954452050524F544543 ITE PROTEC
005730|522130,406424|777560, 22013|J18@T4_]P"0+ 5445440D0A7F77002485 TED...w.$.

Jump to end of file.

020340|254000,   140|712000,     0|5@  !@Y0     2B0000003072         +...0r
--- block_size (0x1E5) = 485 bytes ( 97 words) trailing

Creating TITO saveset tape images

Attach the physical tape drive to the NetBSD system. Copy the savesets (dozens of tape files) to disk.

reelid=${1?"tape number needed"}
tape=/dev/nrst0      # non-rewind mode
mkdir -p /home/jms/pdp10/$reelid
cd /home/jms/pdp10/$reelid
i=100    # First one is "file.101"
ss=0     # First saveset is "ss1"
while cp $tape file.$((++i)); do
  ls -l file.$i
  [ -s file.$i ] || break
  [ `wc -c <file.$i` == 25 ] && mkdir ss$((++ss))
  mv -v file.$i ss$ss

Stop the bash job when the files are 0 bytes. Each file copied from tape contains all the files for one user. Look for files that are 25 bytes long; these are the start-of-saveset headers.

Create two saveset images. (Saveset ss1 is an unwanted partial save on tape 169270.)

  to-simh -t ss2/* > ../simh-ks/saveset1.tape
  to-simh -t ss3/* > ../simh-ks/saveset2.tape

Patching the raw disk image

Putting TITO.SAV on disk using FILDDT

This operation was performed by using Van Dyke's SecureCRT terminal emulator and a Cygwin window on a Windows machine. TOPS-10 already running and login 1,2 via telnet localhost 2020 Use a terminal emulator that has “Send ASCII” and “Receive ASCII” functions.

0. TITO.SAV is 66 blocks (17 pages). With DDT it is 97 blocks (25 pages). 1. Create tito.txt by using FILDDT and the Receive ASCII on the terminal emulator.

  .r filddt
  File: tito.sav
  $$a $$h 0$n

Edit the saved file, removing extra lines. Then add “D+” to each line.

2. Edit REFSTR.MAC, copying and pasting the code that creates CRASH.SAV to create TITO00.SAV Set the file size using MOVEI T4,^D33 (pages) and update ITEM macro X TIT,TITO00,SAV,555000,00.

3. Rebuild monitor, copy it to SYS:, use ./pdp10 tym-fresh.ini to refresh the disk(s).

4. Exit the TYMCOM-X simh, attach tymb00.dsk as rp2 on the TOPS-10 simh.

  sim> attach rp2 tymb00.dsk
  sim> go

5. Patch the raw disk unit. (Load symbols to get a writeable symbol table)

  .r filddt
  File: sys:mon14/s
  File: rpa2:/u/p

6. Track down the data pages for (SYS).UFD (RIB address at 1023). Search all 7 data pages for TITO00.

  $$A   $$H   1023/  1450
  1450051/  200000,,1440
  $$6t  1440000<1447777>0$n
  TITO00.SAV    200000,,15

7. Display the RIB. First data page pointer is at 15051, it points to page 16.

  15051/   200000,,16

8. Define D as 16000.

  16000/   d:

9. Use terminal's Send ASCII function to send contents of tito.txt to FILDDT.

Transfer to simh's console is about 61 characters per second; 127 minutes to transfer TITO with DDT loaded (457K).

10. Update word count in RIB to be last word plus 1.

  15010/ 20342        (40232 with DDT loaded)

11. Enable Receive ASCII and store in tito2.txt


12. End Receive ASCII and on local machine (Cygwin) execute the following to verify the transfer:

  cygwin% perl -pi.bak -e 's/^(\d+)/sprintf "D+%o",oct($1)-016000/e' tito2.txt
  cygwin% diff tito.txt tito2.txt

13. Exit FILDDT and detach rp2 from the TOPS-10 simh.

  sim> detach rp2

14. Create a respawn point via cp tymb00.dsk tymb00+tito.dsk; cp tymb01,dsk tymb01+tito.dsk.

15. Boot TYMCOM-X in production mode. Due to Y2K8 problem, must use date from 28 years ago. (Hit Enter twice r Control-Z L to get logged in, then set date mm dd 1990 and set time hhmm.)

 ./pdp10 tym-prod.ini
To automatically login, login over shut.
X14, hardware *B*, KS-4257, base 6760, X14-P035/E02, 6-3-92, M02654

End of ONCE; starting null job

Hi there!  Please type your user name:
Remember to set date,time 27-SEP-1989 00:00:02  Date not set! <beep>
!set date 04 09 1990     ;28 years in the past
!set time 2041
Date/time is now 09-Apr-1989 22:41:00 Monday
--- System is SHUT ---

!r tito00
TITO (V16.3) HERE AT 14:37 19-MAR-90
SYSTEM X14-P035/E02
DEVICE: mta0
DENSITY(1600,800): 1600
sim> attach tu0 saveset1.tape
sim> go
*dir all
sim>attach tu0 ss2.tape

It takes about 30 seconds to restore each tape (as long as output has been suppressed with Control-O).

Creating the front-end file

  !gfd ks2020
  !run ksfefs
  Name of file containing bootstrap program {(SYS)BOOTS.DMP} : (sys)boots.dmp
  Name of file containing microcode {(SYS)MCODE} : (sys)mcode
  Name of file containing pre-boot program: {(SYS)KSBLOD.DMP} : (sys)ksblod.dmp
  Structure to write on {DSKB} : dskb
    DSKB0:  65536 pages starting at 12.   Writing HOM block in page 0
  Writing (SYS)BOOTS.DMP to page  13 14
  Writing (SYS)MCODE to page  15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
  Writing (SYS)KSBLOD.DMP to page  27
  Writing 8080 directory to page 12
  Duplicating BOOTS in page  3 4 5

The ksfefs misinterpreted the RIB pointer to FEFILE.SYS [200000,,14] as [xwd 65536,14] and wiped out the RIn and tito00.sav. Edited REFSTR.MAC to return [xwd 64,^D<3*95> to point to the 64 pages on cylinder 3. Copied monitor, refreshed, and re-transferred tito.ddt.

  !run ksfefs
  Name of file containing bootstrap program {(SYS)BOOTS.DMP} : (sys)boots.dmp
  Name of file containing microcode {(SYS)MCODE} : (sys)mcode
  Name of file containing pre-boot program: {(SYS)KSBLOD.DMP} : (sys)ksblod.dmp
  Structure to write on {DSKB} : dskb
    DSKB0:  64 pages starting at 285.   Writing HOM block in page 0
  Writing (SYS)BOOTS.DMP to page  286 287
  Writing (SYS)MCODE to page  288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
  Writing (SYS)KSBLOD.DMP to page  300
  Writing 8080 directory to page 285
  Duplicating BOOTS in page  3 4 5

At this point, boot rp loads BOOTS, which defaults to (SYS)SYSTEM.SAV, but that dies with IME stopcode.

Copying MON14.SAV to the disk

Since we don't have KERMIT or other file transfer program on TYMCOM-X, do it with FILDDT. Two caveats: 1) (SYS)FILDDT does not allow patching of data files, but (MPL)FILDDT does. 2) Patching a zero length file goes only so far before dying with an Address Check. Since the current (SYS)SYSTEM.SAV is unuseable, patch it instead.

On TOPS-10, start a Receive ASCII operation and display the whole monitor in octal.

.r filddt
File: mon14.sav/d
$$a $$h 0$n
0/   777777,,113
1/   203141,,171100
245643/   140
245644/   254000,,203146

Edit the saved text to remove the first lines, and change “/” to “!”. The text file is 1.8 Mbytes in size.

Set the terminal emulator to delay 17 milliseconds between characters for the Send ASCII operation. Expect it to take 8.5 hours to transfer all that data.

!run (mpl)filddt
File: (sys)system.sav/d/p
$$a $$h
0/   777777,,113
1/   203141,,171100
245643/   140
245644/   254000,,203146

Exit the TYMCOM-X simh job and start fresh (to get the implied zeroing of memory).

Linux% ./pdp10 x14-prod.ini
PDP-10 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: da31dfa7

X14, hardware *B*, KS-4257, base 6760, X14-P035/E02, 6-3-92, M02654

Highest memory address is 3,,777777

Checking all units on disk controller - reading UNIT ID from HOME pages.
 RMA0:DSKB00=B0    RMA1:DSKB01=B1    RMA2:-offline-    RMA3:-offline-   
 RMA4:-offline-    RMA5:-offline-    RMA6:-offline-    RMA7:-offline-   

1024K of memory online.
X14, hardware *B*, KS-4257, base 6760, X14-P035/E02, 6-3-92, M02654

End of ONCE; starting null job
INITIA starting DSKCLN on TTY0

Hi there!  Please type your user name: oper
proj code: 

date not set, type date as mm-dd-yyyy 04-12-1990 
type time as hh:mm 15:53


TYMSHARE X14-P035/E02 6-3-92 up 36:13 at  6:28:35 on Thu Apr 12,1990
Null time = 36:13, Idle = 100% (Idle time per MIN. = 100%)
2 jobs in use out of 31.  1 detached

 1  DETACHED      DSKCLN 16       TI         3.46  0:00:00 OPER +
 2*  -11327-   #10 SYSTAT 32      RN        20.30  0:36:09 OPER (OPER) +
+ means TYMSHARE inhouse user

Users=2 Det=1 [1,1], Queues: RUN=1 DIO=0 TIO=1 IO=0 SPC=0
2046 Physical pages available (MONITOR = 282P, User Area = 1764P)
Virt. memory used (TPU/TPA): 48/1764 = 3%

At this point, the systems programmer is expected to use the SETE command to set license (setting all privileges). Due to forgotten SETE passwords, fake it by poking kernel memoryl

Use DDT to get the address of JBTLIC (GETTAB table for job license). In this case it is 11106. Adding 2 for job #2 is 11110. Then use DSKCLR 2, to clear the DSKCLN needed bit to write-enable the structure.

sim>examine 11110
sim>deposit 11110 777777777777
Frame 2  TTY10  OPER[1,21] at X14

!r ddt
dskclr 2,$x

Use GFD SYS to change the effective PPN (and default directory) and edit ACCESS.MSG to have two lines of 80 blanks. (The monitor wants to output “Date/time is now …” at the same time LOGINN outputs the contents of ACCESS.MSG.)

Success! — Joe Smith 2018/04/13 05:10

Other pages

Overview page, SIMH Setup page, TYMCOM-X Startup page, TITO on disk page, Status page.

vintage_systems/tymcom-x-tape.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/24 07:59 by