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Using the MENU system

     -+-  SDF Vintage Systems               REMOTE ACCESS  -+-

  [a] multics             Multics MR12.8          Honeywell 6180
  [b] toad-2              TOPS-20 7(110131)-1     XKL TOAD-2
  [c] twenex              TOPS-20 7(63327)-6      XKL TOAD-2
  [d] sc40                TOPS-20 7(21733)        SC Group SC40
  [e] lc                  ITS ver 1648            PDP-10 KS10
  [f] ka1050              TOPS-10 6.03a           sim KA10 1050
  [g] kl2065              TOPS-10 7.04            sim KL10 2065
  [h] rosenkrantz         OpenVMS 7.3             VAX 7000-640
  [i] tss8                TSS/8                   PDP-8/e
  [j] ibm4361             VM/SP5                  Hercules 4361
  [k] ibm7094             CTSS                    i7094
  [l] cdc6500             NOS 1.3                 DTCyber CDC-6500
  [z] bitzone             NetBSD BBS              AMD64

  [1] Proceed to the UNIX Systems sub-menu
  [2] Information about Vintage Systems at SDF.ORG

  (main) Your choice? (q to quit): 
  1. the UNIX Systems sub-menu
    1. Press [ENTER] for the previous menu
  2. Information about Vintage Systems at SDF.ORG
    1. About these systems, funding for this program, SDF Bootstrap membership 1) and donations
    2. How to join Bootstrap, or make a donation and help 2)
    3. About our community mailing list, and thank you for your kind support
     -+-  SDF Vintage Systems               REMOTE ACCESS  -+-

  [a] misspiggy           UNIX v7                 PDP-11/70
  [c] lcm3b2              UNIX SVR3.2.3           AT&T 3B2/1000-70
  [d] guildenstern        BSD 4.3                 simh MicroVAX 3900
  [e] snake               BSD 2.11                PDP-11/84
  [f] hkypux              HP/UX 10.20             HP9000/715
  [g] truly               TRU64 5.0               DEC Alpha 500au
  [h] three               SunOS 4.1.1             Sun-3/160
  [i] indy                IRIX 6.5                SGI Indy R5000
  [j] ultra               Ultrix 4.5              simh MicroVAX 3900

  Press [ENTER] for the previous menu

  (unix) Your choice?:
  1. Read Announcements from the SYSOPs at bitzone.
    1. From the SDF Vintage Systems (main) screen select the bitzone choice.
      1. [z] bitzone
  2. These systems have been transferred to the SDF Interim Computer Museum.; Estos sistemas han sido transferidos al Museo Interino de Computación de las SDF.
    1. Review the wiki Table of Contents (link) for lc 3), rosenkrantz 4), and snake 5).
  3. Support SDF Vintage Systems by joining our Bootstrap membership
    1. an assortment of vintage systems .jpg (cache) at; SDF.ORG boosted; Aug 1 [2024].
Use an ssh client to access the SDF Vintage Systems
MENU system. Connecting to
the Vintage Systems at SDF, additional options.


choice Name Operating System Computer
[a] multics Multics MR12.8 Honeywell 6180

host: multics .jpg (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[b] toad-2 TOPS-20 7(110131)-1 XKL TOAD-2

host: toad-2 (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[c] twenex TOPS-20 7(63327)-6 XKL TOAD-2

host: twenex .jpg at (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[d] sc40 TOPS-20 7(21733) SC Group SC40


choice Name Operating System Computer
[e] lc ITS ver 1648 PDP-10 KS10

host: lc (collection)

  • This system is offline and will return soon with your support.


choice Name Operating System Computer
[f] ka1050 TOPS-10 6.03a sim KA10 1050

host: ka1050 (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[g] kl2065 TOPS-10 7.04 sim KL10 2065

host: kl2065 (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[h] rosenkrantz OpenVMS 7.3 VAX 7000-640

host: rosenkrantz (collection)

  • This system is offline and will return soon with your support.
  • Review the rosenkrantz menu selection login for additional details.


choice Name Operating System Computer
[i] tss8 TSS/8 PDP-8/e

host: tss8 .jpg (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[j] ibm4361 VM/SP5 Hercules 4361

host: ibm4361 (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[k] ibm7094 CTSS i7094


choice Name Operating System Computer
[l] cdc6500 NOS 1.3 DTCyber CDC-6500

host: cdc6500 (collection)


choice Name Operating System Computer
[z] bitzone NetBSD BBS AMD64

host: bitzone (collection)

(main) Your choice? (q to quit):

Type z to access bitzone.

% Are you NEW? (y/n)

Type y for yes.

% …press <RETURN> for GUEST access

The (continue) may display a few times, press the <RETURN> to advance.

<GENERAL> Command:

Type h for help.



<GENERAL> Command:
<GENERAL> Command: GOTO (A BBOARD or ENTER for a LIST) systems

[ID]    [DATE]             [AUTHOR]  [REP]  [SUBJECT]
[1]  30-Jun-24                […]    [0]  What REMOTE systems do you want?

<SYSTEMS> Command:

UNIX Systems sub-menu


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[a] misspiggy UNIX v7 PDP-11/70

host: misspiggy (collection)
host: misspiggy (collection)

You are on a former Microsoft decdatasystem-570 (aka PDP-11/70)
For a list of games, type 'games'.
To sign the guestbook, type 'guestbook'.


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[c] lcm3b2 UNIX SVR3.2.3 AT&T 3B2/1000-70

host: lcm3b2 (collection)


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[d] guildenstern BSD 4.3 simh MicroVAX 3900

host:: guildenstern SIMH MicroVAX 3900 (collection)


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[e] snake BSD 2.11 PDP-11/84

host: snake .jpg (collection)

1 Aug 3, 2024


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[f] hkypux HP/UX 10.20 HP9000/715

host: hkypux (collection)

  • the HP9000/715 computer, affectionately known as ‘hkypux’, is now up and running
    • This machine operates on HP/UX 10.20 and features the PArisc architecture
$ uname -rsmv
HP-UX B.10.20 A 9000/715
$ model
whodo: which users are doing what 1 /usr/sbin/whodo

1 The whodo command produces merged, reformatted, and dated output from the who and ps commands (see who(1) and ps(1)).


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[g] truly TRU64 5.0 DEC Alpha 500au

host: truly .jpg (collection)


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[h] three SunOS 4.1.1 Sun-3/160

host: three (collection)


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[i] indy IRIX 6.5 SGI Indy R5000

host:: indy SGI Indy (collection)


sub-menu choice
choice Name Operating System Computer
[j] ultra Ultrix 4.5 simh MicroVAX 3900

host:: ultra SIMH MicroVAX 3900 (collection)

direct and menu

Direct Menu
ssh ssh
  • Direct access
    1. announced by SDF Membership, when it's supported
      1. Direct access example: BiTz0ne BBS
        1. the Wiki is edited by SDF members
    2. Menu access is retained, in addition to the Direct access
  • Menu access
    1. provides system information in addition to the system access
      1. edited by SDF Membership
    2. provides an explanation for pending system availability
      1. edited by SDF Membership
    3. an information summary about Vintage Systems at SDF.ORG
      1. edited by SDF Membership
    1. The beginning of this wiki page.

Additional menu details

  • A Vintage Systems description table or menu
    • Includes an Additional information column
    • column: Name; Computer; Operating System; Class; Physical or Simulated; Additional information
  • An ASCII Text Gaming description table or menu
    • column: Game; Year; Genre; Systems available on

Spreading the word about SDF

This wiki page was reviewed with the Plan 9 abaco, and mothra, browsers.

Joining the Interim Computer Museum as a member or sponsor is more than an investment in preserving the history of computing.
The SDF Public Access UNIX System presents retrocomputing exhibits and demos.
3) , 4) , 5)
This system is offline and will return soon with your support.
BBOARD, Version 21; (I)NFO; (A)CCOUNT; (L)IST; (G)OTO; (T)YPE; (S)EARCH; (N)EW SCAN; (n)EW SCAN; (V)IEW POLLS; (F)ORWARD; (B)ACKWARD; (o)neliner; (O)neliner; (P)OST; (R)EPLY; (M)KBOARD; (m)SG; (w)HO; (W)HO; (C)OMMODE; (Q)UIT
vintage_systems/menu.1724483190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/24 07:06 by hc9