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function, reply and prompt

x Tutorial [ ] Guide [x]

function (fn)

1fn vim { sam $* }
2 [blank]
3 [blank]

reply with selected text

awk '{ print "> " $0}'
1select text to include in reply with button 1
2type |ireply in message tag and run with button 2
3run reply in message tag with button 2
4use the button 1,3 chord to paste text into reply
5remove Include: line from message and type your reply.

Start acme to access the mbox.

  % acme
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol⇐ Add Mail by typing Mail.
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail⇐ Mouse button 2 press Mail.
Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit
New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail
/mail/fs/mbox Del Snarf : Look Put Mail Delmesg Undelmesg Next
2/⇐ An Email messages is here.
/mail/fs/mbox/2 Del Snarf : Look Reply all Mail Delmesg Save |ireply⇐ Mouse button 2 press |ireply after highlighting the text to include in the reply.


1To set your prompt in rc to reflect your current directory add this to your profile.
afn cd { builtin cd $* && prompt=(`{pwd}^% '' ) }
2If you make frequent use of cpu's -h and -u arguments, this variant keeps track of the host you are connected to, and as which user:
aprompt = (`{cat /dev/user}^@^`{cat /dev/sysname}^'% ' ' ')
bfn `{echo $prompt(1) | tr -d ' '} { $* }
playground/vps_-_plan9front_-_fn_reply_and_prompt.1656113675.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/24 23:34 by hc9