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SDF Tutorial Archive Index

x archive:
this is a sample
SDF Tutorial Archive Index - ver. 0.9.1
Index example:
xSDF Tutorial Archive Index - ver. 0.9.1archive:


Content example:
xPlan 9 on an SDF VPS:SDF User Contributed Tutorial (wiki ; about)removed
xPlan 9 on an SDF VPS:SDF Archived Tutorial (wiki ; about)archive: (removed)

The “Plan 9 on an SDF VPS” (above) switches to an “archive:” tutorial. It's moved into the “archive:” wiki namespace. The author can then review the broken links, and decide on further tutorial reproduction. The assumption is that 100% of the links to an “archive:” will/would be replaced/removed.

Archive namespace link location example:
xSome archive namespace1) content can transfer/move to another wiki page, or section.
Tutorial transfer example:
xstart Plan 9SDF User Contributed Tutorial (wiki ; about)playground:recycle (removed)
Recycle namespace link location example:
:!:Some playground:recycle namespace2) content can transfer/move to another wiki page, or section.
archive/sdf_tutorial_archive_index.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/19 23:02 by hc9