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sdf_advanced_tutorials [2021/04/14 05:30] – Attempt to Organize peteyboysdf_advanced_tutorials [2024/09/17 06:05] (current) – – hc9
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 ====== Advanced Topics ====== ====== Advanced Topics ======
-  * Advanced [[The MetaArray|MetaArray]] Tutorials - a group of multicore, multiraid, high performance nodes +===== MetaArray Tutorials =====
-    * [[meta_port_allocation|Port Allocation]] for **meta** users +
-    * Terminal Multiplexing options: [[screen|Screen]] and [[tmux|Tmux]], also available for **meta** users+
-  * Mail Tutorials +    * [[meta_port_allocation |Port Allocation]] for **meta** users 
-  * [[configuration_changes_needed_when_using_maildir|Configuration Changes Needed When Using Maildir]] +    Terminal Multiplexing options: [[screen |screen]] and [[tmux |tmux]], also available for **meta** users
-  * [[greylisting_on_sdf|Greylisting on SDF]] - leave it disabled until you want it +
-  * [[doing_uucp_with_sdf]] - (Unix-to-Unix Copy) is a great way to get your mail and news +
-  * [[procmail_on_sdf|Procmail on SDF...]] +
-  [[setting_up_the_vacation_1_email_auto-responder_on_sdf|Setting up the vacation(1) email auto-responder on SDF]]+
-  * SDF Connect Tutorials +===== Mail Tutorials =====
-    * [[connecting_to_the_sdf_vpn_with_pptp|Connecting to the SDF VPN with PPTP]] - Virtual Private Network (VPN) +
-  * [[using_an_ssh_agent_to_avoid_typing_your_password|Using an SSH agent to avoid typing your password]] - ...make your password very complicated +
-  * [[SSH Public Key Authentication|SSH Public Key Authentication]] - HTTPS based SSH client +
-  * [[getting_ready_for_sdf_dialup_-_equipment|Getting Ready for SDF Dialup - Equipment]] - Typical requirements for dial-up networking +
-  * [[sdf_dial-up_on_ubuntu|SDF Dial-up via pppconfig and pon|poff|plog on Ubuntu]] - setup a PPP-based dial-up network connection on Linux +
-  * [[configuration_and_use_of_sdf_s_dsl_internet_service|Configuration and Use of SDF's DSL INTERNET Service]] +
-  * [[sdf_dial-up_via_network_connections_wizard_on_windows_xp|SDF Dial-up via Network Connections Wizard on Windows XP]] +
-  * [[mounting_an_encrypted_partition_with_encfs|Mounting an encrypted partition with EncFS]] - a directory where the encrypted information is saved +
-  * [[mounting_sdf_folders_on_a_netbsd_local_machine_via_mount_psshfs|Mounting SDF Folders on a NetBSD Local Machine via mount_psshfs]] +
-  * [[using_skey_one-time_pass-phrases_for_logging_in_at_insecure_terminals|Using Skey One-Time Pass-phrases for Logging in at Insecure Terminals]] +
-  * [[wan_ip_retrieval_and_dynamic_dns_mdns|WAN IP Retrieval and Dynamic DNS (mdns)]] +
-  * [[Setting up X11 forwarding on SDF|Setting up X11 forwarding on SDF]]+
-  * File Access Tutorials +  * [[configuration_changes_needed_when_using_maildir |Configuration Changes Needed When Using Maildir]] 
-    * [[sshfs-sdf|SSHFS-SDF]] - mount your SDF user folder locally +  * [[greylisting_on_sdf |Greylisting on SDF]] – leave it disabled until you want it 
-    * [[Backing Up $HOME Using rsync|Backing Up $HOME Using rsync]] - syncronize your data on SDF to an area on another computer +  * [[doing_uucp_with_sdf |Doing UUCP with SDF]] – (Unix-to-Unix Copy) is a great way to get your mail and news 
-  * [[how_to_use_s3cmd_to_upload_media_files_to_the_internet_archive|How to use S3CMD to upload media files to the Internet Archive]]+  * [[procmail_on_sdf |Procmail on SDF…]] 
 +  * [[majordomo_on_sdf |Majordomo-based Mail Lists on SDF…]] 
 +  * [[setting_up_the_vacation_1_email_auto-responder_on_sdf |Setting up the vacation(1) email auto-responder on SDF]]
-  * Programming Tutorials +===== SDF Connect Tutorials =====
-  * [[programming|PROGRAMMING]] - Programming Languages available at SDF +
-  * [[using_rubygems_at_sdf|Using RubyGems at SDF]] - To install gems in your home directory...+
 +  * [[connecting_to_the_sdf_vpn_with_pptp |Connecting to the SDF VPN with PPTP]] – Virtual Private Network (VPN)
 +  * [[using_an_ssh_agent_to_avoid_typing_your_password |Using an SSH agent to avoid typing your password]] – …make your password very complicated
 +  * [[SSH Public Key Authentication |SSH Public Key Authentication]] – HTTPS based SSH client
 +  * [[getting_ready_for_sdf_dialup_-_equipment |Getting Ready for SDF Dialup - Equipment]] – Typical requirements for dial-up networking
 +  * [[sdf_dial-up_on_ubuntu |SDF Dial-up via pppconfig and pon|poff|plog on Ubuntu]] – setup a PPP-based dial-up network connection on Linux
 +  * [[configuration_and_use_of_sdf_s_dsl_internet_service |Configuration and Use of SDF's DSL INTERNET Service]]
 +  * [[sdf_dial-up_via_network_connections_wizard_on_windows_xp |SDF Dial-up via Network Connections Wizard on Windows XP]]
 +  * [[mounting_an_encrypted_partition_with_encfs |Mounting an encrypted partition with EncFS]] – a directory where the encrypted information is saved
 +  * [[mounting_sdf_folders_on_a_netbsd_local_machine_via_mount_psshfs |Mounting SDF Folders on a NetBSD Local Machine via mount_psshfs]]
 +  * [[using_skey_one-time_pass-phrases_for_logging_in_at_insecure_terminals |Using Skey One-Time Pass-phrases for Logging in at Insecure Terminals]]
 +  * [[wan_ip_retrieval_and_dynamic_dns_mdns |WAN IP Retrieval and Dynamic DNS (mdns)]]
 +  * [[Setting up X11 forwarding on SDF |Setting up X11 forwarding on SDF]]
-  * VPS Tutorials +===== File Access Tutorials =====
-    * [[vps_-_ubuntu|Ubuntu on SDF VPS]] - Log into your vps as ''root'' +
-  * [[sdf_s_vpn_servers|SDF's VPN servers]] - OpenVPN uses Transport Layer Security+
 +    * [[sshfs-sdf |SSHFS-SDF]] – mount your SDF user folder locally
 +    * [[Backing Up $HOME Using rsync |Backing Up $HOME]] – syncronize your data on SDF to an area on another computer
 +  * [[how_to_use_s3cmd_to_upload_media_files_to_the_internet_archive |How to use S3CMD to upload media files to the Internet Archive]]
-  * [[toobnix|Using the SDF Video Gallery]] - follow this tutorial carefully to successfully post videos [[wp>PeerTube|PeerTube]]+===== Programming Tutorials =====
 +  * [[programming |PROGRAMMING]] – Programming Languages available at SDF
 +  * [[software_development_resources |Software Development Resources at SDF]] Including source control, SDF's Gitea instance
 +  * [[using_rubygems_at_sdf |Using RubyGems at SDF]] – To install gems in your home directory…
 +  * [[access_sdf_gitea_using_ssh_keys |Access SDF Gitea using SSH keys]]
-  * TWENEX Tutorials +===== VPS Tutorials =====
-    * [[tops-20_interactive_tutorial|TOPS-20 Interactive Tutorial]] - log of a session with the TOPS-20 +
-    * [[using_multiple_interactive_programs_on_twenex|Using Multiple Interactive Programs on TWENEX]] - TOPS-20 allows you to use multiple interactive programs simultaneously +
-    * [[getting_into_twenex|Getting Into TWENEX]] - aims to bridge the gap between introductory documents+
 +    * [[sdf_virtual_private_server_service |SDF VPS service]] – Information on the SDF VPS service and links to tutorials
 +    * [[vps_-_9front |9Front on SDF VPS]] – How to set up a9Front image on a SDF VPS
 +    * [[vps_-_openbsd |OpenBSD on SDF VPS]] – How to set up an OpenBSD image on a SDF VPS
 +    * [[vps_-_ubuntu |Ubuntu on SDF VPS]] – Log into your vps as ''root''
-  * Web Tutorials +===== VPN Tutorials =====
-  * [[htaccess_recipes|.htaccess recipes]] - .htaccess is the default file used by the Apache HTTP server+
-  *SDF Interesting Tutorials +  * [[sdf_s_vpn_servers |SDF's VPN servers]] – OpenVPN uses Transport Layer Security
-  * [[sdf_green_computing_initiative|SDF Green Computing Initiative]] - voluntary project involving SDF users who wish to explore alternative methods of home computing+
 +===== Toobnix Tutorials =====
-  * Phone Tutorials (VOIP) +  * [[toobnix |Using the SDF Video Gallery]] – follow this tutorial carefully to successfully post videos [[wp>PeerTube|PeerTube]]
-  * [[using_freepbx_with_sdf_voip|Using FreePBX with SDF VOIP]] - how to add your SDF VOIP extension as a trunk +
-  * [[sdf_voip_advanced_features_and_setup|SDF VoIP Advanced Features and Setup]] - note that making unsolicited calls may be considered rude+
 +===== TWENEX Tutorials =====
-  *Chat Tutorials +    * [[tops-20_interactive_tutorial |TOPS-20 Interactive Tutorial]] – log of a session with the TOPS-20 
-  * [[irc_channels_on_sdf|IRC Channels on SDF]] - channels currently defined on +    * [[using_multiple_interactive_programs_on_twenex |Using Multiple Interactive Programs on TWENEX]] – TOPS-20 allows you to use multiple interactive programs simultaneously 
-  * [[irc_channel_auto-connection_with_irssi|IRC Channel Auto-Connection with Irssi]] - configure an IRC client to automatically connect to one or more channels +    * [[getting_into_twenex |Getting Into TWENEX]] – aims to bridge the gap between introductory documents
-  * [[using_centericq_on_sdf|Using CenterICQ on SDF]] - steps to connect to ICQ using CenterIM+
 +===== Web Tutorials =====
 +  * [[htaccess_recipes |.htaccess recipes]] – .htaccess is the default file used by the Apache HTTP server
-  * TECO? +===== SDF Interesting Tutorials ===== 
-    * [[Survival TECO|Survival TECO]] perform useful editing with TECO + 
-    * [[Survival TECO 2.0|Survival TECO 2.0]] perform useful editing with TECO+  [[sdf_green_computing_initiative |SDF Green Computing Initiative]] – voluntary project involving SDF users who wish to explore alternative methods of home computing 
 +===== Phone Tutorials (VOIP) ===== 
 +  * [[using_freepbx_with_sdf_voip |Using FreePBX with SDF VOIP]] – how to add your SDF VOIP extension as a trunk 
 +  * [[sdf_voip_advanced_features_and_setup |SDF VoIP Advanced Features and Setup]] – note that making unsolicited calls may be considered rude 
 +===== Chat Tutorials ===== 
 +  * [[irc_channels_on_sdf |IRC Channels on SDF]] – channels currently defined on 
 +  * [[irc_channel_auto-connection_with_irssi |IRC Channel Auto-Connection with Irssi]] – configure an IRC client to automatically connect to one or more channels 
 +  * [[using_centericq_on_sdf |Using CenterICQ on SDF]] – steps to connect to ICQ using CenterIM 
 +===== TECO ===== 
 +    * [[survival_teco |Survival TECO]] – perform useful editing with TECO 
 +    * [[survival_teco_2.0 |Survival TECO 2.0]] – perform useful editing with TECO
sdf_advanced_tutorials.1618378228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/14 05:30 by peteyboy