Table of Contents

Introduction: xscrabble at SDF

xscrabble is scrabble over X11. This will cover the basic steps on setting up xscrabble over SSH on SDF.

xscrabble is an X11 application, and requires the MetaARPA membership level for running X applications on SDF.

xscrabble is started by the Dungeon Master (DM). The DM will also be a player. The DM controls how many players participate, and configures the parameters of the game. Players who wish to join a game must allow the DM to send an X client to the local X server (the X server that is running on the player's local machine).

Players must be aware of this, and the potential nuisance/safety issues. Like so many things in life, play with people you trust.

The instructions below will cover the general steps for the players and the DM to begin playing xscrabble.

Everybody do this first

iceland:wliao$ echo $DISPLAY


iceland:wliao$ myxauth
iceland/unix:13  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  155866ddc1ec4439ca6b6b10c211369e
DM Add Access
iceland:wliao$ xauth
Using authority file /arpa/tz/w/wliao/.Xauthority
xauth> add iceland/unix:10  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  fd61840e6ae37fbccc74ac8dfa7ce1fd
xauth> add iceland/unix:13  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  41660822631aa698c4fe791d6b4fbd7f
iceland:wliao$ xauth
Using authority file /arpa/tz/w/wliao/.Xauthority
xauth> add iceland/unix:10  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  fd61840e6ae37fbccc74ac8dfa7ce1fd
xauth> add iceland/unix:13  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  41660822631aa698c4fe791d6b4fbd7f
xauth> exit
Writing authority file /arpa/tz/w/wliao/.Xauthority
DM Add Players

Do not forget to add the DM's display as well

After the game

After the game is complete, the players should revoke the DM's access to the X server. Players should run xauth remove iceland/unix:12 where iceland/unix:12 is the display name of the cookie information.

DMs should remove their access to the player's X server by running the same command for every cookie information they received: xauth remove iceland/unix:12.

Both players and DM can remove the xauth file to ensure the revocation: rm ~/.Xauthority. The xuath information will be recreated when logging back into SDF.


iceland:/tmp/wl$ xwd -root | /usr/pkg/bin/xwdtopnm | /usr/pkg/bin/pnmtopng > war_trophy.png

This command may take a while to run.

* For the impatient, the actual game may be started by hand. jgw says:
--- jgw@iceland -------------------------------------------
you can also call xscrab directly:
XSCRAB='xscrab -players 1 -time 0 -d1 ${DISPLAY} -t1 0'
ssh -24Y -c blowfish -p 443 ${XSCRAB}
--- jgw@iceland -------------------------------------------

This tutorial is far from complete. Wanna make it better? Edit it!

$Id: xscrabble.html,v 1.12 2014/09/11 09:01:04 grobe0ba Exp $ Introduction: xscrabble at SDF - traditional link (using RCS)