ITS and PDP-11 machines
There is great support for programming PDP-11 machines in ITS. Software tools are:
On the hardware side, there is the “Rubin 10-11 Interface” made by Jack Rubin. It's a device which is mapped into PDP-10 memory space on one side, and eight Unibuses on the other. Here's a list of the attached processors:
XGP-11, for the printer; a PDP-11/10.
CONS, Lisp machine prototype. Also GT40 as its console.
CHEOPS, chess accelerator.
Logo group PDP-11/45.
Micro automation PDP-11/40.
Vision PDP-11/40.
CHAOS-11, Chaosnet gateway for the AI PDP-10.
Some other PDP-11s on the MIT campus:
Ed Fredkin's GT44 / PDP-11/40.
The Plasma Physics Grinnel TV system attached to MIT-MC.
The MIT-MC front end PDP-11/40 with custom software.
The MIT-MC DC76 front end with custom software.