Table of Contents

SDF VoIP Extension Directory

(There are two versions of this directory–this page, and the HTML tutorial page at They are updated independently and only manually synced at this time, so each may have entries not in the other, which means you may want to check both directory pages if you are looking for something)

Test and Service Extensions

Extension Subscriber Description 24/7
1001 internal Date and Time UTC YES
1002 internal Linear Sine Test from 16Hz to 20kHz YES
1003 internal Exponential Sine Test from 16Hz to 20kHz YES
1004 internal Milliwatt (1004Hz @ 0dB) YES
1005 internal Echo Response Test (USA) YES
1006 internal CQ Serenade YES
1009 internal IVR Adventure Game YES
1026 internal 2600Hz @ 0dB YES
1030 internal Music on Hold YES
1085 internal Voice Mail System YES
1086 internal Conference Bridge (no mute) YES
1088 internal Conference Bridge (Press #1 to toggle mute) YES
1929 internal C*NET Gateway YES
5004 internal Milliwatt (1004Hz @ 0dB) (EU) YES
5005 internal Echo Response Test (EU) YES
5085 internal Voice Mail System (EU) YES
5088 internal Conference Bridge (EU) (Press #1 to toggle mute) YES

Subscriber Extension Directory

Extension UTC +/- Offset Subscriber Description Unsolicited Calls Direct VoIP
1100 -08:00 smj Nokia e70 S60 YES YES
1022 -07:00 developer Blink YES
1057 -06:00 jebug29 X-Lite for Windows YES YES
1058 -05:00 adamd Linphone on Linux YES YES
1066 -07:00 shufei Blink, Linphone YES YES
1084 -04:00 benharri builtin android client YES YES
1087 -04:00 moondoggy Linphone YES YES
1101 -07:00 br Nokia N900, Ekiga YES
1103 +00:00 yargo linphone, Twinkle, etc YES
1106 -06:00 ecelis csipsimple, ekiga YES
1107 -05:00 nsweeney iPhone YES
1111 -08:00 testing testing NO
1112 -08:00 anthonyg Nexus S, Linphone YES YES
1116 +05:30 rmj Blink YES
1118 +01:00 vosi various clients YES
1119 -05:00 carbine Aastra 9133i YES
1120 -05:00 bb Asterisk 1.6 YES
1121 +00:00 jones Various Clients YES
1127 -08:00 alancf Various Clients YES
1130 -07:00 ajgraves Linphone YES
1131 -06:00 wa5pb Ekiga YES
1132 -05:00 tg s60 / Blink YES
1133 -07:00 samos Droid YES
1134 -05:00 slugmax Grandstream GXP2000 YES
1139 -05:00 xcitor Blink SIP Client, HT-502 ATA YES YES
1140 +01:00 wyan iPad, Nexus One YES
1141 -08:00 dhaber YES
1144 +00:00 phm linphone YES
1145 -06:00 xexyz Linphone YES
1146 +11:00 thomask Nokia E63 YES
1151 -06:00 jecxjo Zoiper YES YES
1155 -09:00 ta2 linphone on iPhone YES YES
1159 -06:00 zeptar Blink YES
1165 -04:00 amrowsell Pixel 2 XL, Jami on Linux YES YES
1166 -05:00 grobe0ba Bria on iOS/CSipSimple on Android, via FreeSwitch PBX YES
1169 -06:00 sirmxe Various YES
1174 +00:00 nb0yjxtr Ekiga YES
1177 -06:00 kdavis GS-DP715 YES YES
1192 -07:00 nblade CSipSimple on Android YES YES
1225 -05:00 bac Aastra 9133i YES
1233 -08:00 xiled linphone YES YES
1270 -08:00 niro CSipSimple YES YES
1291 +08:00 yupeng speedtouch st780wl YES YES
1299 -05:00 mcornick Polycom VVX 201 YES YES
1313 +00:00 nicknick Grandstream GXP2100 YES YES
1343 +02:00 tisho Linphone on Android YES YES
1359 +12:00 thom Ekiga YES YES
1366 -07:00 dbk Nokia N900 & softphone(s) YES YES
1380 -05:00 thegiant PBXes hosted PBX YES YES
1388 +00:00 irl Asterisk (using FreePBX) YES YES
1399 -08:00 vandys Asterisk YES YES
1423 -08:00 ladams Cisco 7960G YES YES
1460 -08:00 weevie Grandstream Handytone 286, Jitsi, Blink YES YES
1483 -08:00 quintin Obihai OBi1062 YES YES
1504 -06:00 overland Pirelli DP-L10 YES
1517 -05:00 epl692 Grandstream HT503 YES YES
1542 -05:00 handyc Linphone YES YES
1556 -05:00 cridiron Polycom SountPoint IP 650, Softphone on iOS YES YES
1572 -05:00 hobbsc Grandstream DP250/270, Linphone, Cortelco 2500 via Grandstream HT801 YES YES
1584 -05:00 ki Nexus 5, VDV23 YES YES
1605 +01:00 beni This on a FritzBox YES YES
1617 -05:00 webwiz Various YES YES
1632 +00:00 hugh.mayfield Various clients on GNU/Linux and Replicant YES YES
1662 -07:00 slunky Blink, Bria, Hacked VDV23 YES YES
1679 -04:00 michaeldavis Cisco 303 YES
1688 -06:00 dbvelez Linphone iPhone 5s YES
1692 -08:00 nydel blink, Linphone iPhone4s YES YES
1696 -08:00 edgchacon Various YES
1739 -06:00 jasmaz Grandstream HT286 YES
1770 -04:00 cel baresip, Linphone YES YES
1794 -06:00 jwh Linphone YES YES
1795 -08:00 wireddude Linphone YES
1797 -04:00 snowdusk Grandstream HandyTone-496 YES YES
1877 -08:00 nonlinear Various YES YES
1897 -05:00 tomasino Google Pixel, native Android client YES YES
1908 -06:00 mnw Linphone on macOS X YES YES
1913 -05:00 zelbrium Telephone on Mac YES
1917 -08:00 dokuja OBi110 YES YES
1999 +10:00 cat Cisco SPA112 and various Australian phones YES YES
2096 -05:00 drelcott ObiTalk 200 ATA connected to Cortelco 2500 & ObiTalk 2182 YES YES
2171 +00:00 stug Linphone on Android YES
2206 -05:00 tsui Baresip+ on Android YES YES

Whether it's playing vintage computer games or listening to classic record albums, the meteoric rise of technology is what made the 1980s so transformative. From personal computers to answering machines and arcade cabinets to Walkmans, Living Computers set out to recreate a day in the life of an 80s teenager with Totally 80s Rewind.

Want to call the 80s?

The Bit Zone payphone (425) 256-7525
The basement desk phone (425) 256-7518

Private Phone Museum Access

smj and jgw visited a private phone collection, pictures can be seen here. Want to call that switch? Dial 1929 from SDF VoIP then dial any of these:

1-377 -1111 Welcome msg, and General Switch Info
1-377 -2525 Asterisk Time Of Day
1-377 -5000 Common Line in Garage.
1-377 -51xx 120 Ipm tone. All Ckts busy
1-377 -5244 Rings no Phone 24 x 7
1-377 -5252 General Telephone Number
1-377 -5299 Always busy. 60 IPM 24×7
1-377 -5521 1a2 SWFR 3 24 x 7
1-377 -5531 SWFR # 5 24 x 7
1-377 -5536 REAR OF SWFR #4 24 x 7
1-377 -5555 Central office Telephone number 24 x 7
1-377 -5575 Trimline on SWFR #5 24 x 7
1-377 -5611 211 Set mounted on side of #24 Testboard 24 x
1-377 -5627 Rings no phone 24 x 7
1-377 -5845 Vac Number Intercept 24 x 7
1-377 -5870 Ring, no phone. 24 x 7
1-377 -5888 PATTIS WORK ROOM (code Ring) 24 x 7
1-377 -5911 Tst line on workbench 24 x 7
1-377 -7777 Live Listen In Line to switchroom. (NOT A RECORDING) 24 x 7
1-377 -9901 W E 1C1 Payphone out side of Central Office 24 x 7

$Id: sdf_voip_ext.html,v 1.177 2020/07/03 17:02:08 robmusial Exp $ SDF VoIP Extension Directory - traditional link (using RCS)