**S O K O B A N** //sokoban// is a puzzle game where you use [[VI keys]] to move packets around, once at a time, into a goal area. The object is to use the minimal number of movements to solve the puzzle. **SCREENSHOTS** {{:vintage_systems:screen_shot_2020-03-10_at_1.41.45_pm.png?400|Starting Screen}} {{:vintage_systems:sokoban2.png?400|Nearly Finished}} **HOW-TO PLAY** ┌-----------------------------------┐ | S O K O B A N | | --------------------------------- | | The problem is to push packets to | | saving positions by moving around | | and pushing only one packet at a | | time if possible. | | | | Moving: You can move by using | | the vi-keys hjkl. | | | | left right up down | | Move/Push h l k j | | Run/Push H L K J | | Run only ^H ^L ^K ^J | | Other commands: | | c: temporary save | | q: quit | | ^R: refresh the screen | | s: save the game | | u: undo last move/push | | U: undo all | | ^U: reset to temp save | | ?: this help scree | | Characters on screen are: | | | | @@ player | | @@ player on saving position | | .. saving position for packet | | $$ packet | | $$ saved packet | | wall | | If you set a temporary save, you | | need not undo all when you get | | stucked. Just reset to this save. | | | | A temporary save is automatically | | made at the start. | | The problem is to push packets to | | saving positions by moving around | | and pushing only one packet at a | | time if possible. | └-----------------------------------┘