====== Using the MENU system ====== [-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-] -+- SDF Vintage Systems REMOTE ACCESS -+- [-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-] [a] multics Multics MR12.7 Honeywell 6180 [b] toad-2 TOPS-20 7(110131)-1 XKL TOAD-2 [c] twenex TOPS-20 7(63327)-6 XKL TOAD-2 [d] sc40 TOPS-20 7(21733) SC Group SC40 [e] lc ITS ver 1648 PDP-10 KS10 [f] ka1050 TOPS-10 6.03a sim KA10 1050 [g] kl2065 TOPS-10 7.04 sim KL10 2065 [h] rosenkrantz OpenVMS 7.3 VAX 7000-640 [i] tss8 TSS/8 PDP-8/e [j] ibm4361 VM/SP5 Hercules 4361 [l] cdc6500 NOS 1.3 DTCyber CDC-6500 [z] bitzone NetBSD BBS AMD64 [1] Proceed to the UNIX Systems sub-menu [2] Information about Vintage Systems at SDF.ORG (main) Your choice? (q to quit): - //the UNIX Systems **sub-menu**// - //Press [ENTER] for the **previous menu**// - //Information about Vintage Systems at SDF.ORG// - About //these systems//, //funding for this program//, //SDF Bootstrap membership// ((Joining the [[https://icm.museum/join.html | Interim Computer Museum]] as a member or sponsor is more than an investment in preserving the history of computing.)) //and donations// - How to //join Bootstrap, or make a donation// and //help// ((The [[https://sdf.org/icf/?donate | SDF Public Access UNIX System presents]] retrocomputing exhibits and demos.)) - About //our community mailing list//, and //thank you for your kind support// [-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-] -+- SDF Vintage Systems REMOTE ACCESS -+- [-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-] [a] misspiggy UNIX v7 PDP-11/70 [c] lcm3b2 UNIX SVR3.2.3 AT&T 3B2/1000-70 [d] guildenstern BSD 4.3 simh MicroVAX 3900 [e] snake BSD 2.11 PDP-11/84 [f] hkypux HP/UX 10.20 HP9000/715 [g] alphy OSF/1 Alphastation [h] three SunOS 4.1.1 Sun-3/160 [i] indy IRIX 6.5 SGI Indy R5000 Press [ENTER] for the previous menu (unix) Your choice?: ===== Details to come .. ===== * [[vintage_systems:start#how-to_connect | HOW-TO Connect]] ((//The second example will log you into the [[vintage_systems:menu | MENU system]] which acts as a springboard to all available remote systems//.)) – an alternative [[vintage_systems:playground:menu_prototype_-_ver._0.9.0 | to…]] This is a request for an SDF Vintage Systems REMOTE ACCESS tutorial enhancement. ===== multics ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[a]'' | ''multics'' | Multics MR12.7 | Honeywell 6180 | ===== toad-2 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[b]'' | ''toad-2'' | TOPS-20 7(110131)-1 | XKL TOAD-2 | * [[vintage_systems:menu#direct_and_menu | MENU access]] * XKL donated a [[vintage_systems:xkl_toad-2 | TOAD-2]] which is a dual TOAD system. * A TOPS-20 [[vintage_systems:tops-20 | Survival Guide]]. ===== twenex ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[c]'' | ''twenex'' | TOPS-20 7(63327)-6 | XKL TOAD-2 | * [[vintage_systems:menu#direct_and_menu | MENU access]] * XKL donated a [[vintage_systems:xkl_toad-2 | TOAD-2]] which is a dual TOAD system. * A TOPS-20 [[vintage_systems:tops-20 | Survival Guide]]. ===== sc40 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[d]'' | ''sc40'' | TOPS-20 7(21733) | SC Group SC40 | ===== lc ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[e]'' | ''lc'' | ITS ver 1648 | PDP-10 KS10 | ===== ka1050 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[f]'' | ''ka1050'' | TOPS-10 6.03a | sim KA10 1050 | ===== kl2065 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[g]'' | ''kl2065'' | TOPS-10 7.04 | sim KL10 2065 | ===== rosenkrantz ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[h]'' | ''rosenkrantz'' | OpenVMS 7.3 | VAX 7000-640 | ===== tss8 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[i]'' | ''tss8'' | TSS/8 | PDP-8/e | ===== ibm4361 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[j]'' | ''ibm4361'' | VM/SP5 | Hercules 4361 | ===== cdc6500 ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[l]'' | ''cdc6500'' | NOS 1.3 | DTCyber CDC-6500 | * [[vintage_systems:menu#direct_and_menu | MENU access]] * Using the [[vintage_systems:cdc_6500 | CDC 6500]] is, for many, a new and daunting experience. * A [[CDC6500_Survival_Guide|survival guide]] has been created. ===== bitzone ===== ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[z]'' | ''bitzone'' | NetBSD BBS | AMD64 | * [[vintage_systems:menu#direct_and_menu | Direct access]] is supported. * The [[BiTz0ne BBS]] is an ASCII retro-styled Electronic Bulletin Board System. ====== UNIX Systems sub-menu ====== ===== misspiggy ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[a]'' | ''misspiggy'' | UNIX v7 | PDP-11/70 | ===== lcm3b2 ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[c]'' | ''lcm3b2'' | UNIX SVR3.2.3 | AT&T 3B2/1000-70 | * [[vintage_systems:menu#direct_and_menu | MENU access]] * A [[vintage_systems:start#vintage_systems | Vintage Systems]] description table or menu * An [[vintage_systems:start#ascii_text_gaming | ASCII Text Gaming]] description table or menu ===== guildenstern ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[d]'' | ''guildenstern'' | BSD 4.3 | simh MicroVAX 3900 | ===== snake ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[e]'' | ''snake'' | BSD 2.11 | PDP-11/84 | ===== hkypux ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[f]'' | ''hkypux'' | HP/UX 10.20 | HP9000/715 | ===== alphy ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[g]'' | ''alphy'' | OSF/1 | Alphastation | ===== three ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[h]'' | ''three'' | SunOS 4.1.1 | Sun-3/160 | ===== indy ===== ^ sub-menu //choice// ^^^^ ^ choice ^ Name ^ Operating System ^ Computer ^ | ''[i]'' | ''indy'' | IRIX 6.5 | SGI Indy R5000 | ==== direct and menu ==== ^ Direct ^ Menu ^ | ''ssh host@tty.sdf.org'' | ''ssh menu@tty.sdf.org'' | * **Direct access** - announced by SDF Membership, when it's supported - //Direct// access example: [[vintage_systems:bitz0ne_bbs | BiTz0ne BBS]] - the Wiki is edited by SDF members - //Menu// access is retained, in addition to the //Direct// access * **Menu access** - provides system information in addition to the system access - edited by SDF Membership - provides an explanation for pending system availability - edited by SDF Membership - an information summary //about Vintage Systems at SDF.ORG// - edited by SDF Membership ===== Additional menu details ===== * A [[vintage_systems:start#vintage_systems | Vintage Systems]] description table or menu * Includes an //Additional information// column * column: //Name; Computer; Operating System; Class; Physical or Simulated; Additional information// * An [[vintage_systems:start#ascii_text_gaming | ASCII Text Gaming]] description table or menu * column: //Game; Year; Genre; Systems available on// ---- [[spreading_the_word_about_sdf|{{https://sdf.org/sdfbanner.png|Spreading the word about SDF}}]] * [[:membership_levels#basic_membership_level | Basic Membership Level]] * [[:sdf_general_use_tutorials#games_and_stuff | Games and stuff]] * [[:ascii_gaming_on_sdf | ASCII Gaming on SDF…]]