===== CP-V Operating System ===== The CP-V User’s Guide can be found at [[https://web.archive.org/web/20230914064543/https://www.livingcomputers.org/UI/UserDocs/CP-V/1_Time-Sharing_Users_Guide.pdf |Time-Sharing User’s Guide]] //(archived)// **User commands**:\\ //! is the command prompt for CP-V// ||ESC-Y||Stops the current job. GO will continue it or QUIT will kill it|| ||ESC-R||Reprints the current line|| ||ESC-X||Deletes the current line|| ||ESC-E||Toggles //echoplex// mode|| ||COPY||Copy a file|| Examples: COPY file1 TO file2 - Straight copy COPY file1 INTO file2 - Appends file1 to file2 COPY file1 TO ME - Displays file1 to the terminal ||DISPLAY||Display System Status|| ||FL||File List|| ||LIST||Long file list (also try L)|| ||T||Lists and sets the terminal line status.|| ||TELL||Displays a message at a particular time. ex: TELL ME HI at (HH:MM)|| ||TIME||Displays the Time of Day|| ||SHOW||SHOW details about your account|| ||STATUS||Displays how much CPU and system time you've used|| ||OFF||LOGS OUT of the system while displaying a usage summary|| **The Editor**:\\ **NOTE**: //IN and DE modify the current file// !E or !EDIT filename / !BUILD filename if the file doesn't exist.\\ ||DE||DElete the current line - ex. DE6 will delete line 6|| ||IN||INsert next line - ex. TY7 and then IN will insert (overwrite) at line 8.000|| ||SE||SEt line - ex. SE8 will make line 8.000 the current line|| ||TY||TYpe all lines|| ||TY0+||TYpe a screenful of lines starting at 0|| ||+||Type a screenful of lines starting at the current line|| **Languages**:\\ AP - Assembly Language Processor\\ APL - A Programming Language\\ BASIC - Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code\\ FORT - FORTRAN IV (!FORT ME OVER #\\ F77 - FORTRAN 77\\ **__BASIC Command Usage and Example Session__** ||ACC||ACCesses a directory. Ex. //ACC GAMEB// for games. //ACC LOGON// returns you to your directory|| ||CAT||CATalogue the directory.|| ||LIST||LIST program buffer|| ||RUN||RUN program buffer|| ||SAVE||SAVE a program ON FILE. Ex. //SAVE ON MYBAS//|| ||SYS||SYStem quits BASIC and returns to !TEL|| !BASIC VER. C02 >ACC GAMEB >CAT **ACCOUNT** GAMEB O GRAN HR:00 MO/DY/YR FILE NAME C 3 18:00 02/19/86 AMAZING K 7 14:00 01/05/83 AMAZINGFILE C 5 18:00 02/19/86 ANNUIT C 2 18:00 02/19/86 ARTIL C 4 18:00 02/19/86 AUTHOR C 2 18:00 02/19/86 BATNUM C 10 18:00 02/19/86 CAMPAIGN C 1 18:00 02/19/86 CHECK K 12 12:00 01/03/83 CON44 C 5 18:00 02/19/86 ECON C 3 18:00 02/19/86 GASWAR C 6 18:00 02/19/86 GOLF C 2 18:00 02/19/86 GUESS C 2 18:00 02/19/86 ICBM C 3 18:00 02/19/86 LANDER C 8 18:00 02/19/86 MARKET K 4 10:00 12/31/90 MASTERMIND C 2 10:00 12/31/90 MASTERMIND-SAVE K 7 15:00 01/17/83 PLANE C 5 18:00 02/19/86 QUBIC C 3 18:00 02/19/86 RALLY K 2 20:00 11/03/88 RULER C 6 18:00 02/19/86 STARTREK C 2 18:00 02/19/86 SUB C 4 18:00 02/19/86 SUMERIA C 4 18:00 02/19/86 TANK C 1 18:00 02/19/86 TAPE:GAMB C 4 18:00 02/19/86 TICTAC >10 FOR I = 0 TO 10 >20 PRINT I >30 NEXT I >40 END >RUN 17:14 MAR 10 RUNCBAA... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 HALT **__FORTRAN IV Example Session__** Using [[FORTRAN]] requires you to imagine you're using an imaginary key punch machine producing a card deck. Formatting is important. To make things easier, set !TABS 7 to get to the CONTROL column from there you can once to get to the STATEMENT columns. * Putting a **C** in column 1 denotes a comment which the compiler will ignore * Statement numbers can be in columns 1 - 5 * Column 6 is reserved for **C** aka **TRANSFER CONTROL TO STATEMENT** * Columns 7 - 55 are typically used for **STATEMENTS** !TABS 7 !FORT ME OVER # EXT. FORTRAN IV, VERSION E02 OPTIONS > > GOTO JAIL | WARNING: GO DIRECTLY. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS. STATEMENT DELETED. > DO 100 I=1,10 >100 OUTPUT I > STOP > END HIGHEST ERROR SEVERITY: 0 (NO ERRORS) DEC HEX WORDS WORDS ----- ----- GENERATED CODE: 18 00012 CONSTANTS: 0 00000 LOCAL VARIABLES: 1 00001 TEMPS: 0 00000 ----- ----- TOTAL PROGRAM: 19 00013 !RUN LINKING $ 'P1' ASSOCIATED. I = 1 I = 2 I = 3 I = 4 I = 5 I = 6 I = 7 I = 8 I = 9 I = 10 *STOP* 0