%%=====%% **SDF Computer Museum** =====\\ ''%%https://%%icm.museum/news.html''\\ ''**I**nterim **C**omputer **M**useum Collection'' & ''Recollections'' ((//We offer a number of interactive recollections you may wish to experience// – ''%%icm.museum%%'')) ((Independent from the [[https://www.ieee-ras.org/conferences-workshops/technically-co-sponsored/icmcr |ICMCR]]. (//external//%%)%%)) | {{ ::img_9714.jpg?400 |The System Concepts SC40}} | | An **@icm** [[https://mastodon.sdf.org/@icm/112526729374033486 |toot]] [external //toot// & image ((//The internal board set of the System Concepts SC40//))] from **SDF** //[[:mastodon_and_the_fediverse |Mastodon]]//.\\ An **@icm** [[https://mastodon.sdf.org/@icm/113199832961416543 |toot]] [external //toot// & image ((//A Systems Concepts SC40 with the doors open//))] from **SDF** //[[:mastodon_and_the_fediverse |Mastodon]]//. | * SDF [[vintage_systems:start |Vintage Systems]] – Remote Vintage Systems information and tutorials * The [[vintage_systems:menu |MENU system]] – //connect[s] you across a [[wp>Telnet|telnet]] [[wp>Network_bridge|bridge]] to the host// (//[[wp>Retrocomputing|retrocomputing]]//) * **SDF** Computer Museum [[vintage_systems:menu#museum-l |communication]] resources [[vintage_systems:start#vintage_systems |{{https://sdf.org/sdfbanner.png|Spreading the word about SDF Vintage Systems}}]] Vintage Systems [[vintage_systems:menu#using_the_menu_system |MENU]] & [[vintage_systems |Museum Gallery]]