====== Unicode, UTF-8 and fontviewer ======
===== Unicode =====
At the rio rc prompt:
cpu% cat /lib/keyboard|grep 'superscript digit two'
00B2 s2 ² superscript digit two
cpu% grep< /lib/keyboard -e 'superscript digit two'
00B2 s2 ² superscript digit two
cpu% grep 'superscript digit two' /lib/keyboard
00B2 s2 ² superscript digit two
cpu% unicode 00B2
cpu% g 'superscript digit two' /lib/keyboard
/lib/keyboard:18: 00B2 s2 ² superscript digit two
cpu% unicode 00B2
cpu% page /lib/keyboard
Within acme:
cpu% acme
^Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit^^^
|**New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail**|:::|⇐ Mouse button 2 press //New//.|
^Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit^^^
|**New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail**|:::|
|**Del Snarf : Look**|
|[blank panel]|
^Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit^^^
|**New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail**|
|**Del Snarf : Look**|
|[blank panel]|:::|⇐ Type //cat /lib/keyboard|grep 'superscript digit two'// in the panel.|
^Newcol Kill Putall Dump Exit^^^
|**New Cut Paste Snarf Sort Zerox Delcol Mail**|
|**Del Snarf : Look**|
|cat /lib/keyboard|grep 'superscript digit two'|:::|⇐ Highlight the text string, then mouse button 2 press to execute the command.|
|grep< /lib/keyboard -e 'superscript digit two'|:::|⇐ Highlight the text string, then mouse button 2 press to execute the command.|
|grep 'superscript digit two' /lib/keyboard|:::|⇐ Highlight the text string, then mouse button 2 press to execute the command.|
===== UTF-8 =====
cpu% man utf
===== keyboard =====
cpu% man keyboard
cpu% grep smiley /lib/keyboard
263A :) ☺ smiley face
cpu% grep 'fraction one half' /lib/keyboard
00BD 12 ½ fraction one half
|x|//The sequence for entering 8 1/2 on an IBM keyboard is// ''8-ALT-1-2''.|
cpu% pwd
cpu% cd 8½
cpu% pwd
===== fontviewer =====
cpu% fontviewer
^Font Family:^^^
|//Plem//|:::|⇐ Mouse button 1 press to select a menu.|
|**Font File:**|:::|
|//unicode.9.font//|:::|⇐ Mouse button 1 press to select a menu.|
|The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog|:::|
|A B C D E F G H I|:::|
|J K L M N O P Q R|:::|
|S T U V W X Y Z|:::|
|a b c d e f g h i|:::|
|j k l m n o p q r|:::|
|s t u v w x y z|:::|