====== mapdemo, catclock, juggle and tetris ======
=== mapdemo ===
A mapdemo example, from the SDF Plan 9 Boot Camp VPS:
cpu% ftpfs -a ftp@ftp.sdf.org ftp.sdf.org
cpu% cd /n/ftp/pub/sdf/plan9/dist
cpu% lc wdbii.tar.gz
cpu% cd /lib/map
cpu% pwd
cpu% tar zxvTf /n/ftp/pub/sdf/plan9/dist/wdbii.tar.gz
cpu% lc mapdemo
cpu% mapdemo
A mapdemo example, from SDF 9p.sdf.org:
cpu% cd /lib/map
cpu% mapdemo
=== catclock ===
|usage:|games/catclock [-c]|
cpu: games/catclock
=== juggle ===
|usage:|games/juggle [start] pattern|
cpu: games/juggle 333333441333333
=== tetris ===
A tetris example, from the SDF Plan 9 Boot Camp VPS:
cpu: games/tetris