====== Setting up a simple Node.js Server ====== You can try Node.js by using your [[meta_port_allocation |Port Allocation]] on the [[metaarray |The MetaArray]] to run your own Node.js server. What follows is a bare-bones ‘Hello, World’ example tailored for the metaarray: - go to a project folder in your user folder, say ''~/projects/nodejstest'' - use your favorite editor to open a new file called ''app.js'' *paste the following code into the file: const http = require('http'); //const hostname = '*put your mkhomepg-selected meta-array domain name here, remove the // at the beginning and delete next line*'; const hostname = 'username.sdf.org'; //const port = *replace this with your UID as port number, uncomment this line, then delete the line below*; const port = 8388; const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello World, this is node'); }); server.listen(port, hostname, () => { console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`); }); - run the server with ''node app.js'' - OMG that was so easy, right? Check it out with a browser pointed to your metaarray website but at your UID port, for example ''http://me.sdf.org:30099'' * it should look like the image to the right {{ :screen_shot_hello_node.png?400|browser showing 'Hello World, this is node' }} - quit the server with ''ctl-c'' - knock yourself out doing more cool stuff with javascript on the server!