====== Native NetBSD mail(1) Setup and Use: ====== This is the native mail client on **NetBSD**, the operating system the SDF cluster runs on. For historical reasons there are several aliases: //mail(1), Mail(1), mailx(1)//, however sticking to the first two will avoid name collision with any non-native clients. While //mail(1)// has some MIME support it lacks folder-level hooks as well as POP3 or IMAP support so it may only appeal to users with modest mail needs. That said, native //mail(1)// is quite capable of meeting most SDF email needs. ===== Setup ===== Native //mail(1)// uses **~sdfuser/.mailrc** for its configurations; below is an annotated sample config file which should work for most SDF users with little modification: ### NetBSD mail(1) config file (~/.mailrc): ## Hold mail in system Inbox (/sdf/mail/$USER): set hold ## Set top of mail folder tree & cd into it; can ## be any name but "mail" or "Mail" is typical: # use '~/mail/': set folder=mail # allows simple folder changes, ex. 'fi Sent' instead of 'fi +/Sent': chdir mail ## Set non-std mbox and record names/locations. ## (default loc: ~/ ; '+' prefix => ~/mail/..): # ~/mbox is default: set MBOX=+Save # none is default: set record=+Sent ## Header fields to ignore & retain: ignore message-id received fcc status resent-date resent-message-id resent-from in-reply-to retain bcc cc date from subject to user-agent organization ## Add additional headers - these are added to outgoing ## messages unless editted/deleted in composition mode: Header User-Agent: NetBSD Mail version 9.1alpha 2009-02-25 Header Organization: SDF Public Access UNIX System ## uncomment to tweak the 'From:' field; default is ## SDF user GECOS field (use userinfo(1) to list): #Header From: SDFuser at SDF # Open even if no mail: set emptystart ## Email aliases: # use for contacting SDF membership: alias sdfhelp 'SDF membership ' # a list of users, both local and remote: alias wrkgrp sdfuser2 sdfuser3 rmtuser@remote.addr 'The Boss ' ## set alt. editor(s) and pager; these will override ## user's EDITOR, VISUAL, PAGER shell env. vars: # default is PAGER: #set PAGER=more # default is EDITOR: #set EDITOR=nano # default is VISUAL: #set VISUAL=$HOME/bin/veditor ## Set an alternate escape char for composition mode; this ## helps prevent command collision with ssh(1) which also uses ## the '~' character for session escapes: # set escape char to "`" (backtick): #set escape=` ## enable piping output of mailx cmds. In example, typing ## '|wc -w' gives word count for *body* of current msg: set enable-pipes # Set things to prompt for before sending: set append ask autoprint ## Set indent prefix (for Replys); use with '~m': set indentprefix="> " ## Set autograph string & alternate (use with '~a' & '~A'): set sign='SDFuser / SDF Public Access UNIX' set Sign='SDFuser of SDF' ## pipe html/text type messages thru lynx(1), the text ## web browser. This makes reading html msgs easier: set mime-decode-header mime-decode-message mime-decode-quote set mime-body-text-html="+/usr/pkg/bin/lynx -force_html -dump -stdin" ===== Basic Use ===== The //mail(1)// manpage will explain basic usage; once //mail(1)// is running you can type ''help'' and ''list'' for basic help info and a listing of commands. Many commands can be abbreviated, i.e. ‘m’ for ''mailto'', ‘d’ for ''delete'', ‘p’ for ''print''. To page through multiple screens of messages use ''z'' (down) and ''z -'' (up). A useful command is ''x'' which will quit without saving changes – handy if you've made several unintended changes, i.e. deleting a bunch of messages. ==== Composition ==== To compose a new message either launch mail(1) with ''mail someone@addr.foo'' or type ''m someone@addr.foo'' within mail(1). Any defined aliases can be substituted for an address or group of addresses. For example if ** alias mylist one@addr1 two@addr2 three@addr3 ** is defined then typing ''m mylist'' will send your message to all addresses to the right of “mylist”. To reply to a message to a user from within //mail(1)// type ''R''. This will put you in composition mode; to get help type ''~?'' or “?” prefixed with whatever alternate escape character you've set (may be needed within secure shell sessions). Some useful composition commands: ''~m'' will quote the current message using the //indentprefix// character(s); ''~e'' will launch the editor set in EDITOR; ''~a'' will add the signature string assigned to //sign//. To finish your reply type either ''CNTL+D'' or a single “.” on a new line. If you've changed your mind and want to discard your reply type ''~x'' (or ''~q'' which will save the text to your ~/dead.letter file). To later retrieve the discarded contents within composition mode type ''~r ~/dead.letter''. ==== Tips & Tricks ==== 1. If you'd rather not change the default composition mode escape character for //mail(1)// but are using secure shell (ssh) to connect to SDF you can add the following to your ** ~/.ssh/config ** file: # disable pty escapes: EscapeChar none This will disable PTY escapes completely; alternately you can choose a different escape character if needed. 2. The VISUAL editor variable can be set within ** ~/.mailrc ** to a shell script which invokes an interactive lynx(1) session on the current mail message (or several messages). This is useful for easilly following embedded URLs (lynx supports many protocols besides http/https such as gopher, finger, news and ftp). The following is a sample script: #!/bin/sh -e # veditor - for using lynx(1) as VISUAL editor in mail(1) # { echo '
  cat $* |egrep -m4 '^From:|^Date:|^To:|^Subject:'
  cat $* |sed '1,/^$/d'
  echo '
' ;} |lynx -force_html -stdin
To use current message just type ''v'' ; if in composition mode use ''~v''. It doesn't always look pretty but it's often enough for following a few links.