//[[#old_version_below_this_line|(Jump to old version)]]// — //This is an experimental wiki.sdf.org page.//
====== SDF Minecraft ======
The [[http://sdf.org/?tutorials/sdf_minecraft|SDF Minecraft server]] is available for the sandboxing pleasure of all SDF members and their guests. SDF members are encouraged to invite and add as many of their friends as they'd like to join in and play on the SDF Minecraft server.
* Tutorial: http://sdf.org/?tutorials/sdf_minecraft
===== News & Announcements =====
===== CONNECT! =====
===== COMMUNE! =====
//(From SDF shell login:)//
$ bboard
g minecraft
**IRC**: ''irc.sdf.org #minecraft''
=== Server version: ===
We are currently running JE 1.20.1-108 PaperMC ((review the REQUESTS [[:bboard|bboard]] for the //Update minecraft to 1.20//, ''06-Aug-23''.)) ((//[[https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/6715|SDF Chatter]]//, gaming, SDF Minecraft Server, //previous version// reference.))
== old version below this line: ==
{{ :sdf_minecraft:animals.png?nolink |}}
{{:sdf_minecraft:1.jpg?200 |}} {{:sdf_minecraft:2.jpg?200 |}} {{ :sdf_minecraft:3.jpg?200|}} {{ :sdf_minecraft:4.jpg?200|}}
==== minecraft.sdf.org:25565 ====
//**IRC**: irc.sdf.org #minecraft//
The SDF Minecraft Servers are available to all SDF Members and their guests.\\ SDF Members are encouraged to invite and add as many of their friends as they'd like to join in and play on the SDF Minecraft Servers.
If you are not currently an SDF member, and would like to join, [[http://sdf.org/?signup|please sign up here]].
^ **November 2015: Whitelist maintenance** ^
|The SDF Minecraft server whitelist is now being maintained manually. If you want to access the Minecraft server, post you and your guests' Minecraft names to the **MINECRAFT** board in **[[bboard|BBOARD]]**.|
^ **SDF Minecraft Manifesto** ^
|This is the beginning of the SDF Minecraft Manifesto. Nothing here is intended as dogma, we hope to make some loose guidelines which will encourage friendly collabration. These items are open for discussion and voted upon in SDF's bboard. \\ \\ - **Transit Building** - Roads and paths are encouraged to help prevent getting lost. Please don't build a road on or against someone else's property without their permission. \\ \\ - **Trench Digging** - Trenches can be helpful for mining or other purposes. Too many of them can be a danger to other users. Bridges can help make these trenches safer for everyone. If you are done with a hole please fill it up. \\ \\ - **Home Turf** - A user's respected home turf is a bordered off or simply obvious to the eye. Usually signs in front of a building or a good indication of ownership. Please don't destroy or build on another person's property without their permission.| \\ \\
===== SDF Minecraft Worlds =====
**(Spigot/Bukkit - minecraft.sdf.org:25565)**
=== SDF6 ===
**Current world under development. Created Dec. 31, 2016**
* **Mode** - Survival only
* **Difficulty** - Normal
Initial version 1.11.2
=== SDF5 ===
**This is the most recent world. It has all the minerals right in your spawn area. It was started in April 2015**
* **Mode** - Survival only
* **Difficulty** - Normal
This world was started with version 1.8.4
=== SDF4 ===
**/mv tp sdf4** will get you there.
* **Mode** - Survival only
* **Difficulty** - Normal
This world was started with version 1.7.2
=== SDF3 ===
**/mv tp sdf3** will get you there.
* **Mode** - Survival only
* **Difficulty** - Normal
This world was started with version 1.6
=== SDF2 ===
Zombies will bust down your doors here.
* **Mode** - Survival only
* **Difficulty** - Difficult
=== SDF1 ===
Be sure to tour this place. There are a lot of awesome builds here.
* **Mode** - Survival and Creative
* **Difficulty** - Normal
=== WORLD ===
Our longest running map. This is the original map from the server's creation. Been around since July, 2011. Explore this wonderful archeological site.
* **Mode** - Survival and Creative
* **Difficulty** - Normal
=== FLAT_LANDS ===
Flat world sandbox. Go here to test stuff
* **Mode** - Survival and Creative
* **Difficulty** - No monsters
=== WORLD ===
* **Mode** - Survival
* **Difficulty** - Normal
===== SDF Minecraft Tips =====
==== Helpful Commands ====
The following commands are available to users.
* **/help ** - Main help menu.
* **/cast ** - List spell casting options. //Warp to magic_spells to obtain spells.//
* **/colors ** - List all color codes available.
* **/dynmap ** - Show or hide yourself on the map.
* **/ec balance ** - Check your balance.
* **/mvtp ** - Jump to different world.
* **/rtp ** - Teleport to another user. Requires the other player to accept.
* **/warp help** - Warp to different locations.
* **/who** - List who is currently playing.
* **/tv ** - Vote for a time change.
* **/wv ** - Vote for a weather change.
* **/t ** - Send private messages.
===== Plugins =====
The servers utilize the [[http://bukkit.org/|Bukkit]] plugin system. The various plugins enhance the Minecraft experience and provide useful commands in the game. Below are a few of ther plugins installed on the server. You should take note that these might not all be currently working as expected because of the recent change to Spigot.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/sdfeconomy/|SDFEconomy]] - Economy support.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/chestshop/|ChestShop]] - Sign based shops linked to chests. Buy and sell your wares.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/deadbolt/|DeadBolt]] - Place a **[private]** sign above doors and next to chests to lock them.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/dynmap/|Dynmap]] - A [[http://minecraft.sdf.org:8123|world map]] is generated in realtime.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/ecocreature/|ecoCreature]] - Mobs drop money and other supplies.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/fixit/|FixIt]] - Repair your items. Includes enchantments too!
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/motd/|Motd]] - Use commands like **/who**, and **/rtp **.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/magicspells/|MagicSpells]] - Cast magic spells with **/cast**.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/multiverse-core/|MultiVerse]] - Create and manage worlds.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/mywarp/|MyWarp]] - Warping for everyone. Type **/warp help** for details.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/purpleirc/|PurpleIRC]] - Links game chat with IRC.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/residence/|Residence]] - Self serve area protections. See the [[http://tx0.org|wiki]] for details.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/scavenger|Scavenger]] - Inventory items are restored after every death.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/stickyhelp/|StickyHelp]] - Enhanced help menu. See **/help** for more.
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/timeandweathercontrol/|TimeAndWeatherControl]] - Change time and weather..
* [[http://dev.bukkit.org/projects/autowhitelist/|Whitelist]] - Dynamically updated via **maint**.
==== Other Helpful Links ====
* [[http://www.minecraft.net/|Minecraft Homepage]]
* [[http://www.minecraftopia.com/|Minecraftopia]]
===== MoreRecipees Mod =====
The Spigot server is running the [[http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/morerecipes/|MoreRecipees mod]]. Here's a list of most of the recipees in this mod, since the original documentation is down. I got them from the [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Owexz/MoreRecipes/master/MoreRecipes/src/net/owexz/morerecipes/MoreRecipes.java|GitHub page]] and left out the different leaves types. It depends on the server configuration which ones are activated, you'll have to try and find out, but most of them are working fine.
==== silverfish ====
^ **//Shaped recipee//** // ((Evaluate the SDF wiki "Special Chars" menu (Ω) selection when attempting this type of ASCII creation.))// ^
= silverfish =
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
- Ingredients -
\\ //continued//
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
//Ingredients//: \\ • **A**: SMOOTH_BRICK\\ • **B**: COOKED_FISH\\
==== web ====
^ **//Shaped recipee//** // ((Evaluate the SDF wiki "Special Chars" menu (Ω) selection when attempting this type of ASCII creation.))// ^
= web =
| A | A | A |
| A | A | A |
| A | A | A |
- Ingredient -
\\ //continued//
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | A | A |
| A | A | A |
//Ingredient//: \\ • **A**: STRING\\
==== string ====
^ **//Shapeless recipee//** ^
//Ingredient//: \\ • Material.WOOL
==== chainBoots ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| C | | C |
| B | | B |
| A | | A |
Ingredient **A**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **B**: STRING\\
==== chainLeggings ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | B | A |
| B | | B |
| A | | A |
Ingredient **A**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **B**: STRING\\
==== chainChestplate ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | | A |
| B | A | B |
| A | B | A |
Ingredient **A**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **B**: STRING\\
==== chainHelmet ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | | A |
Ingredient **A**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **B**: STRING\\
==== netherBrick ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | |
| A | A | |
| | | //. ((The dot (.) in the lower right table data cell is preserving the wiki cell/row. Please ignore it.))//|
Ingredient **A**: NETHERRACK\\
==== saddle ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| | A | |
| B | A | B |
| C | A | C |
Ingredient **A**: LEATHER\\ Ingredient **B**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: STRING\\
==== grass ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.SEEDS\\ Ingredient: Material.DIRT\\
==== mossStone ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | B | A |
| B | A | B |
| A | B | A |
Ingredient **A**: COBBLESTONE\\ Ingredient **B**: SEEDS\\
==== ice ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: SNOW_BALL\\ Ingredient **B**: WATER_BUCKET\\
==== mycelium ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM\\ Ingredient: Material.RED_MUSHROOM\\ Ingredient: Material.DIRT\\ Ingredient: Material.DIRT\\
==== crackedStoneBrick ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | B | A |
| B | A | B |
| A | B | A |
Ingredient **A**: SMOOTH_BRICK\\ Ingredient **B**: FLINT\\
==== mossyStoneBricks ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | B | A |
| B | A | B |
| A | B | A |
Ingredient **A**: SMOOTH_BRICK\\ Ingredient **B**: SEEDS\\
==== circleStoneBricks ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | B | A |
| B | A | B |
| A | B | A |
Ingredient **A**: SMOOTH_BRICK\\ Ingredient **B**: SEEDS\\
==== sand ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.SANDSTONE\\
==== clay ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.CLAY\\
==== apple ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: LEAVES\\ Ingredient **B**: SUGAR\\
==== clayBlock ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| B | B | B |
| C | C | C |
Ingredient **A**: SAND\\ Ingredient **B**: GRAVEL\\ Ingredient **C**: DIRT\\
==== sponge ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | B | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: SAND\\ Ingredient **B**: STRING\\
==== cocoaBeans ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: SUGAR\\ Ingredient **B**: COCOA\\
==== blackMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: INK_SACK\\
==== brokenMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: DIAMOND\\
==== cyanMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: CYAN DYE\\
==== forestGreenMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: ROSE RED DYE\\
==== goldMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: DANDELION YELLOW DYE\\
==== greenMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: LIME DYE\\
==== orangeMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: ORANGE DYE\\
==== purpleMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: PURPLE DYE\\
==== redMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: ROSE RED DYE\\
==== whiteMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: BONE MEAL\\
==== blueMusicDisc ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| B | A | B |
| A | C | A |
| B | A | B |
Ingredient **A**: OBSIDIAN\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient **C**: LAPIS\\
==== stick ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| | A | |
| | A | |
| | A | |
Ingredient **A**: SUGAR_CANE\\
==== wood ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | |
| A | A | |
| | | //. ((The dot (.) in the lower right table data cell is preserving the wiki cell/row. Please ignore it.))//|
Ingredient **A**: STICK\\
==== glowstoneDust ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.GLOWSTONE\\
==== fern ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | A | A |
| | A | |
Ingredient **A**: LEAVES\\
==== vines ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | | A |
| A | | A |
Ingredient **A**: LEAVES\\
==== lilyPad ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | | A |
| A | A | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: LEAVES\\
==== tallGrass ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | | A |
| A | | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: LEAVES\\
==== ironOre ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient: Material.STONE\\
==== goldOre ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.GOLD_INGOT\\ Ingredient: Material.STONE\\
==== redstoneOre ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.REDSTONE\\ Ingredient: Material.REDSTONE\\ Ingredient: Material.REDSTONE\\ Ingredient: Material.REDSTONE\\ Ingredient: Material.REDSTONE\\ Ingredient: Material.STONE\\
==== lapisOre ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: LAPIS\\ Ingredient: STONE\\
==== coalOre ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.COAL\\ Ingredient: Material.STONE\\
==== diamondOre ====
* //Shapeless recipee//\\ Ingredient: Material.DIAMOND\\ Ingredient: Material.STONE\\
==== blazeRod ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | B |
| A | B | A |
| B | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: REDSTONE\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_INGOT\\
==== slimeball ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| | C | |
| B | A | B |
| | | //. ((The dot (.) in the lower right table data cell is preserving the wiki cell/row. Please ignore it.))//|
Ingredient **A**: MILK_BUCKET\\ Ingredient **B**: LIME DYE\\ Ingredient **C**: FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE\\
==== ghastTear ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **B**: GOLD_NUGGET\\
==== netherWart ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: REDSTONE\\ Ingredient **B**: RED_MUSHROOM\\ Ingredient **C**: BROWN_MUSHROOM\\
==== gunpowder ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| | A | |
| A | A | A |
| | A | |
Ingredient **A**: SOUL_SAND\\
==== enderPearl ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: LAPIS\\ Ingredient **B**: GLASS_BOTTLE\\
==== allMonsterEggs ====
==== monsterEggs.creeper ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: SULPHUR\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.skeleton ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: BONE\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.spider ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: STRING\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: SPIDER_EYE\\
==== monsterEggs.giant ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: ROTTEN_FLESH\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: GOLD_INGOT\\
==== monsterEggs.zombie ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: ROTTEN_FLESH\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.slime ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: SLIME_BALL\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.ghast ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: GHAST_TEAR\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.pigzombie ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: ROTTEN_FLESH\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: PORK\\
==== monsterEggs.enderman ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: ENDER_PEARL\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.cavespider ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: SPIDER_EYE\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: STRING\\
==== monsterEggs.silverfish ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: IRON_INGOT\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.blaze ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: BLAZE_ROD\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.magmacube ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: MAGMA_CREAM\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.pig ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: PORK\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.sheep ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: WOOL\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.cow ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: RAW_BEEF\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: LEATHER\\
==== monsterEggs.chicken ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: FEATHER\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.squid ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | A | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: INK_SACK\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\
==== monsterEggs.wolf ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: WOOL\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: BONE\\
==== monsterEggs.mooshroom ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: RAW_BEEF\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: RED_MUSHROOM\\
==== monsterEggs.snowgolem ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| A | B | A |
| A | A | A |
Ingredient **A**: SNOW_BALL\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: PUMPKIN\\
==== monsterEggs.ocelot ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: WOOL\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: RAW_FISH\\
==== monsterEggs.irongolem ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| | A | |
| C | B | C |
| C | | C |
Ingredient **A**: PUMPKIN\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: IRON_BLOCK\\
==== monsterEggs.villager ====
^ //Shaped recipee// ^^^
| A | C | A |
| C | B | C |
| A | C | A |
Ingredient **A**: PORK\\ Ingredient **B**: EGG\\ Ingredient **C**: LEATHER\\
$Id: sdf_minecraft.html,v 1.64 2017/09/11 17:39:08 Exp $ [[http://sdf.org/?tutorials/sdf_minecraft|SDF Minecraft]] - traditional link (using [[wp>Revision_Control_System|RCS]])