====== Domains to set your SDF homepage URL ====== If you run ''mkhomepg'' at shell, it will refresh your page permissions, and also list a flag you can call the command with again to change the domain that your account's HTML content will be served from. It looks like this: $ mkhomepg Please place your webpage files in /sdf/arpa/ns/p/username/html. To set proper file permissions, run 'mkhomepg -p' To set and activate your custom URL, run 'mkhomepg -a' If you run ''mkhomepg -a'' and are [[membership_levels#arpa|ARPA]] membership or above, you will be prompted further: $ mkhomepg -a Your URL is currently http://username.freeshell.org Your webpage description reads: Description Do you want to change it? (y/n) |**1.**((//[[membership_levels#arpa|ARPA]] membership or above//))|If you choose ‘y’ to the above prompt, you will see a list that looks something\\ like the following:| ^ Domain ^ Description ((Publicly listed [[https://sdf.org/index.cgi?sites/pdp6.org|pages]] may have a description.)) ^ |36bit.com | A celebration of 36bit computing. | |3b1.org | The AT&T 3b1 UNIX PC .. circa 1986 | |andropov.org | En Russiah, Whe haf ah nyew freedem lyke en vest haf.| |beevomit.org | Its *honey* .. didn't you know? | |buckybits.com | Those bits that get frobbed when you hyper-control-function | |bughlt.org | BUGHLT – error condition on the PDP-10 | |chaosnet.org | A networking protocol for LISPMs, [[its|ITS]] and others | |decsystem.org | Designation used for the PDP-10 KA/KI/KL/KS machines | |deskshots.org | Hot and steamy 640x480 images of other people's desktops | |feckov.org | In loving memory of Father Jack Hackett | |freak.net | Shut up You Freak! Its a madhouse! A MADHOUSE!!!! | |freeshell.net | Free Shell Network | |gekiganger.org| OK! Ken! Joe! Akira! .. LETS, GEKIGA IN! | |godsong.org | Either something very beautiful or terribly frightening! | |gomen.org | Japanese for ‘forgive’ | |gopherite.org | Either a mineral salt or a respected citizen of [[gopher_site_setup_and_hosting_features|GOPHERSPACE]] | |hactrn.org | [[its_hactrn|HACTRN]] – A real hacker's tool | |inlisp.org | When all else fails, WRITE IT IN [[using_ecl_embeddable_common-lisp_on_sdf|LISP]]! | |jerq.org | The internal code name for the AT&T 5620 Dot Mapped Display ((//This is a TeleType 5620 Dot Mapped [[https://sdf.org/?tour/1997/index|Display]]//.)). | |loompaland.org| Help Mr. Wonka rescue the poor oompa loompa! | |maclab.org | MIT Project MAC – See the JARGON ((Additional [[https://sdf.org/?faq?BASICS?11|recommended sources]]: Try ''dict'' //word// and also ''jargon'')) file | |maclisp.org | MIT Project MAC LISP for the PDP6, Multics, [[twenex.org_-_sdf_public_access_twenex|TOPS-20]], et cetera ((An SDF //TOPS-20 User [[http://wiki.twenex.org/|Wiki]]//.)) ((//The history of computing through interactive [[https://icm.museum/|exhibits]]//.)) | |macsyma.org | 36bit mathematics at its finest | |maikosoft.com | A Kyoto based software company owned and operated by Maiko-san | |massbus.org | The proprietary BUS interface of the PDP-10 | |metapath.org | Transcend the MUNDANE on the MetaPATH | |motherarse.com| Ask a Japanese person to say ‘Mother Earth’ | |multics.org | UNIX came from MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service | |myjp.net | My Japan .. no, not yours .. MINE .. gomen ne! | |natverk.org | NETWORK i svensk! Also used for the SDF [[doing_uucp_with_sdf|UUCP]] network | |netlsd.com | Timothy Leary's personal distribution network | |ntfn.org | North Texas FreeNET never was due to a 200K+ annual budget | |paunix.org | Public Access UNIX | |pdp6.org | The digital PDP6 computer .. play spacewar? | |**2.**((//[[membership_levels#arpa|ARPA]] membership or above//))|At the end of the list, you will be asked to type in the new URL base for your web space\\ and to confirm it, and that will be it!|