Tasks I., and II., are preformed from the 9front Drawterm VPS connection, or 9front Drawterm rio rc prompt (%). Task III. is preformed from the 9front VPS Maintenance Shell console rc prompt (%). a.) Due to the way that namespaces work on 9front, change to the console prompt to preform the "9fs 9fat" in Task IV. b.) be careful I.) Updating your system: 1. type 'sysupdate' - note if changes are brought in. (you can 'cat /bin/sysupdate' to see how it works) (also just an 'hg incoming' will tell you what patches are available) 2. cd / 3. . /sys/lib/rootstub (you can 'cat /sys/lib/rootstub' to see) 4. cd /sys/src 5. mk install II.) Updating your kernel: 1. cd /sys/src/9/pc64 2. mk III.) Installing your new kernel: From the vps?.sdf.org console: 1. type '9fs 9fat' # be careful: 2. cp /sys/src/9/pc64/9pc64 /n/9fat/9pc64 3. fshalt 4. select menu option 's' and then 'r' OR, from the Drawterm rio rc prompt: 1. % cd 2. % pwd /usr/glenda 3. % bind -a '#S' /dev 4. % 9fs 9fat 5. % cp /sys/src/9/pc64/9pc64 /n/9fat/9pc64 6. % echo sync >>/srv/hjfs.cmd 7. % fshalt 8. Select menu option 's' and then 'r' from the vps?.sdf.org console. IV.) Your system should boot completely up-to-date.