## jgw's ~/.screenrc ; created Mon Mar 17 17:20:56 PDT 2008 # set the escape key combo (default is ^A) to the Windows key: #escape `e # turn off startup message: startup_message off # set the screenblanker program: # ex. #blankerprg rain -d 150 # set idle timeout and idle program: # ex. run blanker after 300s of inactivity #idle 300 blanker # make screen's vt100 term "optimized" (fixes vi arrow key problem) termcapinfo vt100 OP # set some text attribut colors: # bold text should be cyan: #attrcolor b "c" # set hardstatus bar (green on black; "scrn# title load dy_Mon_yr time(12hr)" # caption always "%?%F%{= dg}%?%3n %t%? [%h]%?%= load= %l %=%d %LM %Y %C%a %{= dd}" hardstatus alwayslastline # enable dynamic screen titles - screen name = current application ; defaults to "tcsh": # note: requires shell prompt prefix ; for ~/ .tcshrc: 'set prompt = "%{\ek\e\\%} ..." # shelltitle '> |tcsh' # Some startup screens: screen -t Monitor 0 systat screen -t Reference 1 screen -t WWW 2 lynx -book screen -t Remote 3 screen -t Mailx 4 screen -t SysAdmin 5 screen -t ThinK 6 cat ToDo